The Bible and the Health Benefits of Honey


Honey itself is written in the Bible as something good. Today, many people just don't realize the much bigger health benefits of honey than they've known.

So how is the Bible on honey? The promised land of Canaan which was promised to the descendants of Jacob was once known to be a land of milk and honey - that was way before the climate change and when Egypt was once a lush country but it later got subjected to climate change (Isaiah 19:1). Honey is a symbol of health and wealth. Genesis 43:11 calls honey an honored gift. We have Jonathan who encouraged the soldiers to eat honey so they can get out of Saul's stupid decision (1 Samuel 14:24-27) which said person's eyes brightened. Then we have honey used in the New Testament to where John the Baptist survived by it (Matthew 3:1-4).

Honey itself is a symbol of God's providence and wisdom. Certainly it was not by random accidents as atheists would want us to believe that honey is indeed a wonderful gift. Some people may not be allowed honey such as infants (lest they die of botulism) or that some diabetics might as well avoid it at a doctor's wise prescription - we can still see its uses.

What are the uses of honey?

I always found it weird reading through biology and chemistry books that honey was used in ancient medicine. Maybe it's something that the modern world has long forgotten. It was used against wounds and burns. I read of its certain medicinal and anti-septic properties though we aren't talking about the honey used in the kitchen. I think we're talking about raw honey which hasn't been processed yet.

Here are nine unexpected uses of honey according to Healthline which we may have overlooked due to commercialized medication:
1. Burns 
Honey has been used as a salve to heal burns and prevent infections for thousands of years, according to the Mayo Clinic. Results also show that honey may reduce burn healing time. 
This study compared honey to a silver sulfadiazene dressing for burns, and found that honey makes wounds sterile in less time, enhances healing, and doesn’t leave as much scarring as the other treatment. 
2. Memory 
Some say honey can improve both short- and long-term memory, especially in menopausal and postmenopausal women. In one study, postmenopausal women who were given tualang honey treatments for several weeks saw as much improvement in their immediate memory as women given hormone therapy of estrogen and progestin. 
3. Herpes 
Research conducted in Dubai shows that honey is an effective topical treatment for both oral and genital herpes. Honey can heal lesions from herpes just as quickly as ointments you find at a pharmacy, and it’s even better at reducing itchiness. 
4. Diabetes 
Honey has a lower glycemic index than sugar, which means it won’t spike your blood sugar levels the way sugar will. Honey also has a sweeter taste than sugar and may help you use less sweetener on foods. This makes honey a better option than sugar. In one study, researchers found that swapping honey for pure sugar is an effective way to keep blood sugar levels steady. 
5. Cancer 
Honey is celebrated for its antioxidant properties, which causes many to wonder if it can help prevent or treat cancer. A 2011 study from Iran looked at how honey affects renal cell carcinoma, a type of kidney cancer. The researchers found that honey is effective in stopping cancer cells from multiplying, and they concluded that it warrants further study as a cancer treatment. 
6. Hemorrhoids 
Hemorrhoids cause itching and pain in the anus, as well as blood in the stool. They are never fun. If you’re looking for a home remedy, honey might fit the bill. A pilot study using a mixture of honey, olive oil, and beeswax as a topical treatment found that the mixture significantly reduced pain and itching, as well as bleeding. 
7. Wounds and ulcers 
Honey has been used to dress wounds for centuries, but does it work better than gels and compresses? The research is mixed, but certainly not against honey. The Mayo Clinic says that honey can sterilize wounds and promote healing, and also reduce pain, odor, and wound size. It can also treat antibiotic-resistant bacteria and long-term ulcers and wounds after surgery and from burns. 
Other researchers agree that it can be effective, or even superior, to other wound dressings, but it all depends on the wound. For deep cuts and wounds, it may delay healing time. You should only use honey after you’ve seen a doctor. 
8. Fertility 
Honey has been lauded for its potential to boost fertility in both men and women, but the evidence is mixed. Two separate studies using rats, conducted in Nigeria in 2013, give very different results. While one showed that honey increases the sperm count of male rats, the other showed that too much honey can have a negative effect on fertility in rats. More research needs to be done. 
9. Psoriasis 
Psoriasis is a common skin condition that causes redness, blisters, itching, and even lesions. It’s usually treated with topical creams that contain corticosteroids or vitamin D, but honey may be more effective. This study once again uses a mixture of honey, olive oil, and beeswax, finding that most participants with psoriasis experienced a reduction in redness, scaling, and itching.


The research above really shows God's wisdom in making honey after the fall of mankind. The Bible writes on honey itself as a good thing though it also warns in Proverbs 25:26-27 not to eat too much honey. Anything good in excess becomes bad. It's just like we call junk food as junk food because they contain excess salt and/or sugar than the recommended dietary allowance. Did Solomon even know honey helped fertility rates yet too much will destroy it? Did Solomon even know raw honey helped disinfect wounds? He would have certainly had by the grace of God! Solomon's suggestion on eating honey in moderation is sound medical advice that any good doctor will tell you today!