Conditional Security is a Rather Forked-Tongued, Double-Minded Doctrine

It's very common to speak with a forked tongue, right? This video by Dan Corner of Evangelical Outreach makes me dizzy with his double talk. To speak with a forked tongue means to say one thing and contradict yourself with another. Just listening to this - at first, it seems that Corner believes in salvation by faith and not by works. However, for a good portion of this video, he contradicts himself and says that a person may lose their salvation if they commit certain sins. Hmmm... doesn't that sound contradictory? Obviously, he speaks with a forked tongue, right? Then again so do many of those who adhere to his teachings!

I do agree with Corner with the idea that easy believism is dangerous. The idea that a person can be saved and still live the way they want is not in the Bible. However, his heretical views try to differentiate the root (faith) from the fruit (works). Yes, true faith is accompanied by good works but only as a result - not an accompanying factor. While people who pervert the doctrine of eternal security into a license to sin are dangerous then so are people who add faith to works. If you believe you lose your salvation every time you sin then it's works salvation. Although some people still erroneously believe that you can lose your salvation not by committing certain sins but by renouncing it - such as what David Servant mentions. However, Corner's heresy says David immediately lost his salvation the moment he committed adultery with Bathsheba. If David did then he would have returned to his degeneracy. However, 1 Samuel 12 reveals David still had the characteristic of a saved man that the parable told by Nathan revealed his true character. David not only accepted the sentence he gave to himself but also repented proving that he never lost his salvation. Rather, his repentance was proof that he was still saved!

The very idea you can be unsaved the moment you commit the sins listed in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 is works salvation. Now, I would state that somehow the two verses are always misrepresented to teach works salvation. However, it shows the very condition or lifestyle of any unsaved person. 1 Corinthians 6:11 describes deliverance from such sinful lifestyles. I have no reason to believe that sexually immoral people can continue in their lifestyle if they get saved. Salvation is indeed life-changing. Nobody can be a Christian and be against good works. If you say you're a Christian and you think you've got a license to sin - I've got every good reason to doubt your salvation. If you say you are saved by faith but you add good works to maintain it - I also have every reason to doubt you believe in salvation by faith.

The worse part is people like Corner actually malign some very sound preachers like John MacArthur, Ray Comfort, the late Robert C. Sproul Sr., and Paul David Washer. I'm just thankful that Bro. Washer didn't answer to his nonsense debates. It's definitely a problem for anybody who upholds lordship salvation to get misrepresented by two crowds. One, the easy believism crowd calls lordship salvation as works salvation. Two, the conditional security crows misrepresent lordship salvation as a license to sin. On the contrary, Grace to You by MacArthur gives clarification in the article "An Introduction to Lordship Salvation" to what it is. Lordship salvation teaches salvation is by grace through faith which genuine salvation is evidenced by a continuous change. It also draws a line between those who are false converts and true converts. It's all about adhering to the thought that you can't lose your salvation and the evidence is in enduring to the end. You endure to the end because you've been saved - not to be saved! Matthew 23:13 is often taken out of context. Even reading from whatever modern version that's used still refutes their love for conditional security. Yet, they love it because it feeds on their arrogance.

Truth is, self-contradiction is already in the natural man's sinful nature. Corner and the likes of him are pretty much like that. Who hasn't been guilty of being double-minded? Even Christians can be guilty of being double-minded so much more those who aren't saved? Christians could be speaking against one thing yet doing another even if they don't live like the rest of the world. As James 1:8 says to be double-minded is to be unstable in all your ways!

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