Calvinism vs. Non-Calvinism Shouldn't Be Made into a Huge Quarrel

Calvinism has indeed started out as a pet issue but it has turned into a huge quarrel. Whether Baptists like to admit it or not - here are some important facts that they may have missed:

  • The King James Version (KJV) in its history was translated by mostly Calvinist scholars namely the Puritans. 
  • Before the KJV - other Protestant translations also included the Geneva Bible which was also used in the process of compiling the KJV. 
  • Many of the songwriters of the hymns such as "Amazing Grace" were Calvinists.
  • Many of the great commentators of the Scriptures were also Calvinists such as Matthew Henry, John Gill, and the writers of the "Commentary Critical and Explanatory of the Whole Bible" namely  Robert Jamieson, Andrew Robert Fausset, and David Brown.
  • The great Baptist preacher of England, Charles H. Spurgeon, was also a Calvinist.
  • Not to mention, the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith adhered to Calvinism.
David W. Cloud of Way of Life Literature also said the following about Calvinism:
I am under no divine obligation to make a choice between Calvinism and Arminianism. I only have to believe the Bible. While I can’t answer every question about the wonderful doctrine of election, one thing I know for sure, because of the clear teaching of Scripture, is that election is not “sovereign” after any Calvinist definition. I have met many Calvinists that I believe are saved and know Christ and I, therefore, love them in Christ, because I love the saints, but I emphatically reject their Calvinism

Cloud himself is considered to be a fundamentalist in many ways. Cloud is also a KJV Only guy. However, he has shown himself to be moderate in his KJV Only in many ways. The fact that Cloud states he has stated that he has many Calvinists who he has seen have shown signs of true conversion. Cloud loves them and actually considers the brethren while he rejects their Calvinism. Other KJV Onlyists have known non-KJV Onlyists, love them while still rejecting modern Bible versions to be less accurate than their beloved KJV. Cloud still thinks Calvinism is an error but not so much that it should be squashed as easy prayerism and works salvation - both doctrines that lead to Hell. There are also other divisive issues such as historicism and futurism view of Revelation yet it's still possible to embrace such people as brothers and sisters. 

What would be interesting to know is that some non-Calvinists do read Calvinist literature. Sure, they would admit that they still reject Calvinism. However, they still agree with stuff in books like "The Gospel According to Jesus" by John F. MacArthur against wish-washy evangelism or enjoy Robert C. Sproul Sr.'s apologetics even if they disagree with Calvinism. They probably still have the book "Hard to Believe" by MacArthur and agree with nearly 100% except for Calvinism. Perhaps one guy who stubbornly rejects Calvinism loves MacArthur's teaching series. The book "Worship: The Ultimate Priority" may still be found in non-Calvinist churches that outright reject Calvinism. Some may even have the four-volume part "Institutes of the Christian Religion" by John Calvin while they still outright reject Calvinism.

MacArthur himself also quotes from non-Calvinist preachers. In the book "The Gospel According to Jesus" - we see him quote from two staunch anti-Calvinists namely Aiden W. Tozer and Harry A. Ironside. Ironside is famous for his book "Except Ye Repent". Tozer himself has plenty of sound teachings that Calvinists can enjoy even if the writer rejects Calvinism. MacArthur also endorsed J. Vernon McGee who also was pretty much non-Calvinist. McGee also quoted Calvin many times in his commentary even if the former rejected Calvinism. 

What we need to consider is that Calvinism and non-Calvinism do have these differences and I don't deny it:

  • Calvinists believe that man has free will except the free will to believe. Non-Calvinists believe that man has the free will to believe.
  • Calvinists believe that man is made willing by unconditional election and irresistible grace. Some non-Calvinists do make the mistake of thinking that both doctrines are forcing unsaved people to get saved. Other non-Calvinists don't make the same error.
  • Calvinists believe Christ died only for those who believe. Non-Calvinists believe Christ died for all.
On the other hand, both Calvinist and non-Calvinist true converts have some of these things in common:
  • Both Calvinists and non-Calvinists want to distinguish false converts from true converts. You may find them both agreeing with Ray Comfort's two videos "True and False Conversion" and "Hell's Best Kept Secret" as valid reading materials. This is called the perseverance of the saints which says that true converts will certainly persevere even if they do fall away.
  • Both Calvinists and non-Calvinists may read materials from each other even if they disagree.
  • Both Calvinists and non-Calvinists do have some people who need to be humbled from both sides.
  • Both Calvinists and non-Calvinists believe in salvation by faith alone. 
Pretty much, it's really a useless quarrel to keep debating on Calvinism and non-Calvinism. Paul Washer says Calvinism shouldn't even be an issue. Washer is a Calvinist. Cloud is a fundamentalist. Yet, Cloud and Washer have embraced Calvinists and non-Calvinists who show signs of true conversion as family members. Washer loves the writing of Aiden W. Tozer who was a non-Calvinist. Cloud has still acknowledged Calvinists' contributions even when he thinks it's an error. 

God bless!

See also: