Reasons Why the Roman Catholic Church is NOT Christian

While the Catholic Church claims to be the one true Church, however many of her doctrines and traditions DO NOT fit into Scripture. Here are the following that me or my fellow apologists would soon elaborate and more points soon and this section will be updated when elaborations happen:
Note: I could care less what Catholic faith defenders have to say, please check from the Catholic Bible! Mark 7:13 really is right that the Word of God is put to none effect when the tradition of men is above it! We are also not here to induce hatred to Catholics to the readers but to rather, ask Christian readers to keep praying for lost souls. I also hope that Catholics will see through the errors of their system from their own Bible and start trusting Jesus Christ alone for salvation. Note that I DO NOT hate Catholics but I DO hate Catholicism for misleading people!

1.) Mariolatry

In the Catholic pantheon the Triune God is not enough. Baptists believe in the Biblical doctrine of One God existing as three different Persons namely God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and that there is NO other way to communicate to the Father but through the Son's intercession (1 Timothy 2:5). However the Catholic Church has added the actual worship of Mary. They deny they worship Mary but the Rosary speaks otherwise. In the Catholic prayer books, titles destined for God alone are given to Mary which will soon be elaborated. I would like to add the emphasis that she did NOT remain a virgin either. Matthew 13:55 states that Jesus had uterine (same mother, different fathers) brothers and sisters. Galatians 1:19 has Paul mention James the uterine brother of the Lord Jesus. Please reconsider Matthew 1:25's word "until" even in the Catholic Bible! For Mary's only command, check John 2:5 and see she has given the command to DO whatever Jesus tells you! She wants you to see she could not intercede between her and Jesus who is her Son (in the flesh as Jesus is both God the Son and man).

2.) Idolatry with different forms of "Jesus", canonized saints and specific angels

Aside from Mariolatry (or Mary worship), the Catholic dogma later added prayer to saints and angels. For each purpose, there is a specific "saint" or angel (and most of them are fallen angels). For example during times of illness they pray to St. Apollonia, during the times of exams they pray to St. Christopher of Cupertino, when car keys are lost pray to St. Anthony of Padua and WHATEVER! They are but mere mortals, only God hears prayers! Just crazy is that corpse worship has also become the fad. When Jesus taught His disciples how to pray, He taught the Lord's prayer NOT praying to various people! In John 14:13-14 to ask for anything for God's glory in His Name not in the name of Mary or of the saints. Again, the role of Jesus is being diminished aside from the sin of Mariolatry.

Oh yes, should I mention they preach "another Jesus"? 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 warn of complicating the simplicity in Jesus Christ and preaching another Jesus which was not preached. Honestly Jesus is NOT a baby anymore in His mother's arms, He is not a child anymore as the Sto. Nino is portrayed and plus, as much as He respected His mother but He DID NOT invite people to her.

3.) Idolatry in the form of graven images

Catholics argue they do not worship the image but the one being portrayed. However God says that He will shot share His glory with another neither His praise with graven images (Isaiah 42:8) which makes point 1 and 2 void as well. Exodus 20:4-5 is clear that no graven images are to be made for the purpose of worship. They say they have not changed the ten commandments when even in obvious, their catechism has removed the second and split the tenth. Many Catholic apologists still insist this is a huge lie.

4.) The Pope

This is another unbiblical issue. The papacy claimed to have started in Matthew 16:18 with Peter as the Rock (the Good News Bible commits the error of saying, "Peter you are the Rock" but the Douay Bible doesn't) but a closer reexamination would prove otherwise. 1 Corinthians 10:4 calls Jesus Christ the Rock NOT Peter (thus leading to greater confusion). However Peter is the first pastor that Jesus put in the Christian Church and he respected the principle of the autonomy of the local church in 1 Peter 5:3. He himself knew he was not perfect and the Popes have even dared to claim papal infallibility which is another heresy because one Pope contradicted the other. Other Catholic Bibles still declare Jesus and NOT Peter as the Rock.

Also the Popes have throughout the centuries claimed the blasphemous claims of being the following from just a few Popes:
  • Pope Gregory VII (1073-85)-"The pope cannot make a mistake."
  • Paschal II: (1099-1118)-"Whoever does not agree with the Apostolic Seeis without doubt a heretic."
  • Pope Innocent IV (1243-54):described himself as"the bodily presence of Christ."( presumably by a kind oftransubstantiation at his election)
  • Pope Boniface VIII (1294-1303) :"Every human being must doas the pope tells him."
  • Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903):"We hold upon this earththe place of God Almighty."( Encyclical Letter, June 20, 1894 )

While they have declared the Protestants and Baptists guilty of blasphemy, just look who is talking! There is NO WAY that God would appoint somebody else to be the king of the universe but the Lord Jesus Himself. Appointed by Jesus as King of the Universe? You've got to be joking!

5.) Catholic priesthood

With the Catholic priesthood, the issue of celibacy was argued upon because Constantine the first Pope modeled the papacy after the priesthood of Aaron. However the issue of celibacy was soon permanent in 1079 by Pope Boniface VII. Jesus placed NO such rule. 1 Timothy 3:2-5 teaches that the bishop (also called presbyter or pastor) should be a husband of one wife, which implies not even Paul remained single for long and remember, Peter was married to one wife and therefore he was qualified to be a bishop in biblical standards and not contrary to Catholic standards that declares ENFORCED celibacy on the priests. Common sense: how can unmarried men give marital advice? Enforced celibacy has given more problems than solutions like sexual sins. Sadly most of their sins are hidden under the blanket so the public doesn't know most of them and the Jesuits have silenced critics (Christian or not) especially through assassination! What is worse is this- the priesthood is being taught they have the ability to forgive sins and that sins must be confessed to a priest. What part of 1 John 1:19 don't they understand?!

6.) Salvation by "faith" and works (it's still works salvation)

The Catholic Church teaches that if one claims to be saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and being sure of their salvation, it's therefore the sin of presumption. The Roman Catholic Church writes salvation to be by good works (and just conveniently replaced with the term "works of the Law" and saying it's not good works), faith and sacraments which administer grace. They ultimately teach a dictator god which they must earn their salvation and that it denies the complete sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. They try to use James 2 to justify their doctrine when it can't. Romans 3 perfectly summarizes the sinner and salvation by faith. Romans 11:6 is clear salvation is either by faith or by works, it can't be both. Ephesians 2:8-9 is clear that salvation is a gift so nobody could boast. Biblically, salvation results to REAL good works (Ephesians 2:10, Titus 2:11-15) NOT the other way around.

7.) Infant baptism

This error has caused many Roman Catholics to stop themselves from moving away from the system because according to their catechism, if one was baptized as an infant in the Roman Catholic Church, they automatically become Roman Catholics. Stupid huh? In the Bible there is NO case of infant baptism even of Catholic faith defenders try to appeal to Acts 2 with the pastoral sermon of Peter. Nope children were there but NOT infants!

8.) Purgatory

This is one grave nonsense that's going to keep going on. The Catholic Church's purgatory is a pagan idea of getting more gold into their pockets. When a person dies, they believe that the person will be in Purgatory because they have to pay for their sins in fire before they can be admitted into Heaven. Other Catholics told me that unless prayers are offered, the person will fall into Hell. This is NONSENSE. All the prayers in the Universe will NOT save the unsaved in Hell! Hebrews 9:27 is clear and it totally contradicts the Book of Maccabees' practice of praying for the dead!

9.) Source of final authority is not the Bible but the Council of Trent's elections

The Roman Catholic Church rejects the Bible as the final authority for all doctrines and traditions of the church, no wonder why it is SO disorderly (2 Thessalonians 2:15, 3:6). The Bible is the ONLY standard set. To try and prove the Council of Trent as the final authority, they hastily use Matthew 16:19 and 18:18 (which follows up to the story of the unforgiving servant)without really understanding that binding and loosing means- that is to PREACH the Gospel and limited authority but NEVER the power to forgive sins because only God can forgive sins and it is to He to whom sins are confessed to (1 John 1:19). This is plain stupid because Catholic doctrine is dictated by fallible men NOT by the Word of God (Mark 7:8-13). It's plain satanic to even think that the vote of the cardinals would change the infallible Word of God! Eventually this led to the ecumenical movement!