By Fair Speeches Deceiving the Hearts of the Simple

Romans 16:17-18 says, "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.  For there are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly; and by good works and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple."

Okay it's not good for any Christian ministry to start singling out persons, rather they are marked by their false doctrineTheir false doctrine exposes them whenever it's being debunked and shown to be false. So what really happens?  People have replaced the monuments of character with monuments of stone which is pretty dangerous.  Why?  A good example would be how Adolph Hitler's fair speech brought him into power or how Fidel Castro converted Cuba into a Catholic Communist state all because the simple-minded's hearts were deceived by their fair speeches. Likewise, in the realm of false religions as well as its false preachers, it also happens that they get into power all because of fair speeches.  

But surprise, they do not serve the Lord Jesus, only their own interests.  Like how?  For example, the Purgatory doctrine, selling graven images and pay per sacrament type of services in Romanism has served its purpose in getting the Roman Catholic Church to be the most powerful cult in the world.  Other major cults do get their own form of getting money.  There is also the prosperity Gospel in which Pentecostal preachers deceive people into giving money, claiming God will bless them and that the investment is real.  However it's just plain false, false and false.  Also, there are conspiracy theorists from various cult groups out there who get some form of money from gullible people and make money out of what they say is the truth.  In short, they do their fair speeches only for their own convenience.

So how does this happen?  Satan although he cannot read anybody's thoughts or know anybody's every move because he is NOT GOD, however is aware of how people can be enticed through the flesh (the senses) which are the lust of the eyes, the satisfaction of the flesh and the pride of life.  He knows people will rather listen to a charismatic leader than a boring one so that's how he does it.  And he will put people who are so good in doing fair speeches to deceive people into buying what is evil or worse, accepting heresies that will damn the soul especially the heresy of a false view of God, works salvation and legalism in which have become the foundations of false religions.  This of course in return leads people into one form of falsehood for another (Isaiah 30:1) and also rejecting the Word of God to keep man's corrupt traditions (Mark 7:13), which is really going to lead MANY into Hellfire.

However, the only solution to drive out these clowns is through this- being STRONGLY rooted on God's Word.  Joshua 1:8 says, "This Book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein, and thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success."  And in fact, with the Bible, no matter how great the evil of our day is, a Christian strongly rooted upon it becomes a greater threat to them instead!