The Confessional Debunked

Here's another heresy that's going on with the Roman Catholic cult as well as the diet Catholics is the heresy of the confessional! These people confess their wrongdoings in some strange box. To justify the heresy of the confessional, Catholic apologists turn to Matthew 18:18 which says, "Verily I say unto you whatsoever ye shall bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven and whatsoever ye shall loose on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven." They are also hasty to point out to Matthew 16:16-18 to try and justify Peter's papacy which we will touch on.

First we would like to explain what "binding and loosing" means. First the whole chapter relates to fellow Christians and the church. Peter being the first pastor (NOT POPE) was given his assignment to lead a local New Testament church being the first to profess faith. In binding is that Peter was putting concerning in account to God in forgiving a brother. It can also apply to when the Gospel is preached and opening to people the very opportunity to get saved. Men were bound by the rules of Scripture and NOT by the traditions of men. If they really bother to take their Bible in context, they really figure out just how stupid their claim is.

Now to get direct to the point. Nowhere in the Bible did anybody confess their sins to Peter or any of the apostles. The only person in the Bible to confess his sins to the priests was JUDAS ISCARIOT (Matthew 27:4). Peter confessed to God in ALL ACCOUNTS of his denial. And to refer to apostolic writings, 1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins to God, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." The Bible always asks sinners to confess their sins to God who is the only one ABLE TO FORGIVE not the sinful priests who could not even save themselves by their good works (Isaiah 64:6).

Also we would like to point out concerning the Roman Catholic priests these facts:
  • None of them are from the tribe of Levi, the priestly tribe.
  • In the Old Testament, every sin confessed was passed through the animal and NOT the priest. So where are the unblemished, clean animals in the confessional box?
  • Also, the curtain that covered the Holy of Holies had been ripped from top to bottom (Matthew 27:51, Mark 15:28, Luke 23:45) which had given ALL equal access to God and not just the priests. Hebrews 7 covers the whole New Testament priesthood.

Also here are some VERY INTERESTING tidbits about the Confessional - aside from the priest claiming to be able to forgive sins from man, they even say they know what to do to gain penance. In short, there is no genuine repentance. Genuine repentance leads to a change of action. I doubt it they really understand the context of metanoneia. However they ask the confessor to do some things like light candles, pray some prayers in dead repetition (for example five Our Fathers and ten Hail Marys) as a means to gain forgiveness and so on and then the cycle goes all over again. In short the Confessional has become a real license for sin though not taught in official catechism, it results to becoming an official sin licensing center because a LOT of people who keep returning to the confessionals still sin all they want. After confessing so and so, an adulteress still continues her sinful relationship with her boyfriend and so on.