Reincarnation Debunked
Reincarnation is the basic teaching that, after a man dies they will be reborn in another form such as another man or another animal, a tree or whatever after having to pass through Purgatory or even Hell- this belief is prevalent in major religious movements like Buddhism and Hinduism to name a few. However the Bible declares no such nonsense. Hebrews 9:27 says, "For as it is appointed unto man ONCE to die but after this the judgment."
So where does reincarnation fall down flat? Here are some of the impracticalities of the belief of reincarnation and how silly it really is:
1.) Reincarnation means an endless cycle denying the end of the physical and going into the eternal.
Well, for instance, according to several world religions that after a person has reached a certain level of enlightenment but has yet to reach the level of Nirvana, he/she must return to the physical plane to be reborn or in the case, the wicked are sometimes allowed to reincarnate which is uh oh. The problem easily starts supposedly at the first incarnation. Okay it would be nice to fit in the evolution doctrine into reincarnation since almost every world religion bought Charles Darwin's junk anyway. Maybe the first incarnation would be the single celled organism, then the single celled organism was reborn in various forms like a fish, a frog, a dinosaur, a salamander, a monkey, an ape, what many would believe is a subhuman to the modern man. The first incarnation would mean nothing wrong was done then did something wrong. Hmmm... then because of a supposed misdeed like perhaps in one of the incarnations, the person was a T-Rex and killed a herbivorous dinosaur in the process, then it means accumulated karma. Later the person even has to be born in transitional forms- so what makes them think they'll reach the end of the Darwinian ladder?
2.) There has been NO real memory of a past life of just anybody.
Face it - the average believer in the doctrine of reincarnation has to go to a monk/priest or WHATEVER CRAZY PERSON to know what their past life really was. If reincarnation were real, a person would at least have an idea what he/she was during the past life and all which they DO NOT have it anyway. When one goes to a diviner for information, it's mostly made up stuff. Here's an illustration just to show nobody ever gets reincarnated to become a plant- plants DO NOT have a nervous system so how can a plant ever be once a human? Or perhaps another example that would ring a bell especially to Darwin's disciples - if a man was a monkey in his past life (most people don't have trouble believing that anyway) then it can be put into the test why this man could not even remember anything he did as a monkey?
3.) Most importantly, reincarnation means a person must strive for themselves to attain their salvation, there is NO concept of help from above.
The pagan gods are usually petty and cruel despite being pictured as "benevolent" by some of their writers. On the other hand, God although He only gives ONE CHANCE to live, He is not petty not to send His only begotten Son the Lord Jesus Christ to pay for the penalty for sins via His bloody death, burial and resurrection. Reincarnation is nothing more than another form of endless torture especially for those who deserve Heaven (which nobody really does). If reincarnation were true, the work of Jesus having paid for ALL the penalty for sins falls flat. Why? Suppose a Christian accepts the Lord Jesus Christ and is admitted into Heaven, however because of some minor issues, therefore that person has to be reborn, that means he/she still has to pay for his/her sins. Just imagine like how what if Solomon had to be reborn many times from death to life because of his serious backsliding that he has to be reborn as a woman in a harem or whatever because of what he had done. But no- Jesus already paid it all!