Strange Ideas about the Trinity from the Cults
There are various cults that attack the vital doctrine of the Trinity. These are the various heresies that are going on:
Deism- This is denying the fact that Jesus is God the Son and just a man. Such a heresy in prevalent in some satires of Christianity like the Iglesia ni Manalo and Scientology.
Denial of the divinity of the Holy Spirit- While the Bible is clear at the Holy Spirit is a Person (Acts 5:3), however, some cults like the Armstrong movement teach that the Holy Spirit is an impersonal force. Others teach that the Holy Spirit was just a created person and that the Spirit of the LORD is not the Holy Spirit.
Jesus as Michael the archangel- This is another heresy that is going on. The Watchtower Society, for example, teaches that Jesus was Michael the archangel and the first creation of God the Father.
Modalism- This comes from the word "mode" where the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are but God (as one Person than three Persons) was simply changing Himself in costumes. This heresy was bought by the Oneness Pentecostals, which differentiates them from the Trinitarian Pentecostals.
Mormon view- The Mormons reject the fact that God the Father was once a man that became God. Jesus is the literal son of God, rather than being God the Son. The Holy Spirit is but another creation.
Unitarianism- Doctrine that teaches that God the Father created the Son and the Holy Spirit.
What should be pretty interesting is that 1 John 5:7 that says, "For there are three Witnesses- the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. These three are separate yet these three are One." is being frequently removed in the modern versions. Surprised? Not for the seasoned Christian that is!
See also: