Debunking the Roman Catholic Argument that Sola Scriptura is Not Scriptural Using a Roman Catholic Bible

Above is a fake button created by some nasty Roman Catholic apologists who have now gone as far as to try and destroy historic Christianity. There is even a book called "100 Arguments Against Sola Scriptura" which provides nothing more than spinning arguments and circular reasoning. For this refutation, I will be using a Roman Catholic translation throughout because they argue that the King James Bible is only for Protestants who they mock to be useless protesters. Now the whole problem of "Scripture alone is not Scriptural." is clear with what Jesus said in Mark 7:8-9 saying from the Good News Translation, "You put aside God's command and obey HUMAN TEACHINGS. You have a clever way of rejecting God's Law in order to uphold YOUR OWN TEACHINGS." Isn't that what the Council of Trent was doing in the centuries of centuries of various changes from one century to another?

Now before you dare call me a fraud, liar, fag (ignoring many of the priests of Romanism today are pedophile fags!), whatever or report me to the Inquisition Office and say that Jesus didn't teach Sola Scriptura, it's just as absurd as the argument that just because Jesus didn't directly speak against homosexuality that He was for it. It's that poor argument that usually leads nowhere. Now for Jesus' way of talking, He had made references to Scripture with, "It is written." and "Have ye not read?" The Roman Catholic translation even says, "The Scripture says..." in Matthew 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13. Hmmm doesn't a supposedly "easier" translation make it easier for them to understand Jesus did not appeal to any other source of tradition but Scripture in itself?

For more from the Good News Translation, you're going to get this:
  • Matthew 22:29 and Mark 12:24 says, "Jesus answered them, How wrong you are! And do you know why? It is because you don't know the Scriptures!"
  • Matthew 26:54 says, "But in that case how could the Scriptures come true which say that this is what must happen?"
  • Luke 10:26 says, "What do the Scriptures say? How do you interpret them?"
  • Luke 20:17 says, "Jesus looked at them and asked, What then does this Scripture mean? The stone which the builders rejected as worthless turned out to be the most important of all."
  • John 5:38 says, "You study the Scriptures because you think that in them you will find eternal life. And these very Scriptures speak about Me!"

Sharing some insights, while the King James uses the word "search the Scriptures", the Roman Catholic translation now even commands people to STUDY the Scriptures. Only if Roman Catholics would study their traditions vs. Scripture if it was in agreement, surely the would find answers.

In fact, the Roman Catholic translation of 2 Timothy 3:16-17 even says this, "All Scripture is inspired of by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction in right living so that the person who serves God may be FULLY QUALIFIED and equipped to do EVERY KIND of good deed." For Roman Catholics who think this verse is used to refute my argunment, consider the facts:
  • How many doctrines and traditions from the Council of Trent have been changed throughout the centuries?
  • Even Popes contradict each other in succession!
  • What about the words "fully qualified" and "every kind", isn't Scripture enough?
  • Why do you people continue to strike out Exodus 20:4-5 from your official Ten Commandments?
  • If you say that the Bible wasn't complete yet then Sola Scriptura was not possible, then maybe you should realize that whatever was in the canon was followed and if what claimed to be added wasn't compatible, it wasn't counted as Scripture?

Also, Peter said in 2 Peter 3:15-16 from the Good News Translation "Looking on our Lord's patience as the opportunity He is giving you to be saved just as our DEAR BROTHER PAUL wrote to you, using the WISDOM that God GAVE Him. This is what he says in all his letters when he writes ont eh subject. There are some difficult things in his letters which IGNORANT and UNSTABLE people explain falsely as they do with other passages of Scriptures. So they bring their own destruction!" Therefore Peter had affirmed Paul's writings as part of the New Testament Scripture, so much for the lame argument that Peter was the first Pope!

For those who try to appeal to tradition, please consider this verse in 2 Thessalonians 2:15 saying, "So then our brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold on to those truths which we taught you BOTH IN OUR PREACHING AND IN OUR LETTER." Notice Paul gave importance to his letters, the apostolic letters and all that as to the ONLY source of tradition. In fact, Church tradition is not a manmade matter but rather the inspiration of God. God gave traditions to the Jewish people but He DID NOT allow them to make any tradition that violated God's rules, likewise Paul rooted the Church tradition only in the apostolic letters (epistles) and by their preaching, nothing more. But sadly, Roman Catholicism's traditions such as praying to Mary and the saints, rosary, etc. do not conform to the traditions that the Apostles left for the Church.

And so sad that that a lot of Catholic Faith Defenders are now taking advantage of false conversions. As said, NO truly saved believer will ever fall away (1 John 2:19). For those "Evangelicals" and "Baptists" that fell into conversion to Roman Catholicism or are in bed with Rome (like Billy Graham and the late Martin Luther King) they are but false converts. If a lot of Evangelicals are now pouring into Rome, doesn't that sound inconsistent with the truth of the crisis of faith in Roman Catholicism? These guys will do anything to to gain more members out of greed. But now, all I can say is I don't mind them, I am going to preach the Gospel as it should be preached!

See also: