Severely Misrepresenting the Born Again Christian's Stand on Mary
It's very amazing indeed to how so often Roman Catholic faith defenders will keep misrepresenting born again Christians to hate Mary for these truths that is being upheld:
- Mary did not remain a virgin (though some theologians in the past of sound doctrine sadly fell into that error though they may not be Mary worshipers).
- Mary was a sinner in need of salvation.
- Mary was having other children by Joseph.
- That Mary is not the co-Mediatrix, co-Redemptor, and that practices like the Rosary are in fact considered idolatrous.
Wow, amazing isn't it? Just like those anti-Roman Catholic cults have misrepresented me to be working for the Vatican with zero proof chauvinists accuse me of being a homosexual with zero proof, I also have the Roman Catholic fanatics who are now accusing me of hating Mary. All I can say is this accusation is overly shallow. In fact, John 2:1-12 which Roman Catholics use to justify their devotion to Mary falls down flat for this reason- EVEN the Roman Catholic translations clearly state that Mary only told people to do whatever Jesus tells them.
The Good News Translation which is a Roman Catholic translation has Jesus saying, "Do not tell me what to do..." to Mary. To the average official dogma, that would be disrespect so I guess they can go ahead and accuse Jesus of disrespecting Mary. Do they really bother to study their Bible or just rely on their so-called "infallible interpreters"? If born again Christians hate any Mary, it's the Mary of Catholicism that is so not the Mary of the Bible.
Just made me think that again, if Mary were sinless why did she declare she needed a Savior? She even offered a sin offering. Mary in John 2:1-12 in telling people to do whatever Jesus told them, she clearly wants people to understand that she could not mediate between them and Jesus. It was obvious- she was telling people to go directly to Jesus. They are always misreading that chapter saying that it is "the first intercession" when in fact, Mary told them to do only what Jesus told them and that's that. If you are a Roman Catholic, please reconsider Mary's ONLY command to all.