Praying to Mary is Always Wrong
Roman Catholics even have their dumb excuse that aside that some of them lie that they are not praying to Mary, some of them say that they are not praying to the pagan goddess in Jeremiah 7 and 44. I would agree with Roman Catholics that they are not praying to that exact goddess that the apostate Jews were praying to during the time of Jeremiah. It was impossible for the Jews to be offering incense to Mary that time because she was not yet born but it was an act of idolatry nonetheless. Depending on which culture, there were different versions of the Queen of Heaven (or alternatively called the Queen of the Gods) like you can have Hera for the Greeks (also known as Juno for the Romans), Indrani for the Indians, Isis for the Egyptians, Xi Wang Mu for the Chinese, Amaterasu for the Japanese, and many other versions of the Queen of Heaven were made even in their home country as several goddesses were soon made for different reasons. But it did not matter what name they gave the Queen of Heaven idol - it was still false worship nonetheless.
These titles are wrongly given to Mary and just because they are not praying to Semiramis (or any other pagan goddess) does not make their errors right:
- Conceived without sin (please check on 2 Corinthians 5:21)
- Our intercessor (please check on 1 Timothy 2:5, Hebrews 7:21-25)
- The ark of the covenant
- Gate of Heaven (please check John 10:1)
- Our life, our hope, our salvation
- Queen of Heaven (please check Jeremiah 44)
- Help of Christians
- Glory of Israel (please check 1 Samuel 5:29)
- Morning star (please check Revelation 22:16)
- Our Help (please check Hebrews 13:6)
- The way, the truth and the life (please check John 14:6)
- Author and finisher of our faith (please check Hebrews 12:2)
What can be seen is how Mary is elevated to godhood while their doctrine denies it but to call her the "Mother of God" is absolute garbage. Even if some of the best Mariologists say that Mary is not the mother of the Trinity but the term "Mother of God" implies she is above God. The doctrine that Jesus could never say no to Mary is an assault and an affront to the fact that He is God Almighty. Mary was only His mother in His humanity but in His divinity, Mary is beneath Him. To explain it clearly, Jesus is the Word of God and is God, made Mary. He has no obligation to do what His earthly mother says because she was only His mother in His humanity but never in His divinity. When Mary said in John 2:5 saying, "Do whatever He tells you.", it should already be clear that she wanted people to understand that they should go directly to Jesus and not from her to Jesus. Mary is the mother of God in His humanity through the Lord Jesus Christ but to say Jesus is still under her control is really a subtle attack on the very sovereignty on Jesus Christ the Son as the Second Person in LORD God Almighty. Mary who is just human knows for well who is above her and she knows she is no different than any other sinner saved by the grace of God.
Even if Roman Catholics are honest about the fact they are not praying to a pagan goddess but they have in a way treated and turned Mary into a pagan goddess. They are no better than the people in Jeremiah 44:16-19 says, "We refuse to listen to what you have told us in the name of the LORD. We will do everything that we said we would. We will offer sacrifices to our goddess, the Queen of Heaven, and we will pour out wine offerings to her, just as we and our ancestors, our king and our leaders, used to do in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. Then we had plenty of food, we were prosperous, and had no troubles. But ever since we stopped sacrificing to the Queen of Heaven and stopped pouring out wine offerings to her, we have had nothing, and our people have died in war and of starvation. And the women added, When we baked cakes shaped like the Queen of Heaven, offered sacrifices to her, and poured out wine offerings to her, our husbands approved of what we were doing." (Good News Translation for Roman Catholics)
Mary worshipers also have that same attitude as the people who were worshiping the Queen of Heaven in Jeremiah 44. Even if they do not call Mary a goddess but they have made her a goddess by their actions. You tell them that they are in the wrong, they are most likely going to say the same old game where they say born-again Christians hate Mary for refusing to venerate her. They will also invoke the name of their ancestors saying they will keep that tradition especially if several generations before them were Roman Catholics. They are also quick to blame any act of not doing their vows to pray to Mary or to do any offering for her to bring misfortune never mind it is their idolatry that causes trouble. Most of them are going to keep a stubborn, hard-headed attitude towards their fanatical devotion to Mary just because she is the mother of Jesus in His humanity to the point they accuse born-again Christians of supposedly diminishing her importance. I could not imagine how angry Jeremiah was especially when he finally gave them one more warning before he left them to perish.
They may say, "Would not Jesus be happy if we respected His mother." Excuse me but this is more than respect. As I mentioned earlier that they have already turned Mary into a goddess by their actions. Why is it that every time they pray they even say, "Pray for us oh holy mother of God that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ." That practice is not even biblical because wherever the Gospels are preached, it is not the name of Mary that was declared but Jesus. In Acts 2, we do not even have Peter calling people to believe in Mary but in Jesus. Romans 10:9-13 does not put Mary at all but Jesus. While Mary was important in fulfilling prophecy but she plays no part in redeeming the lost sinner. She was the vessel that brought Jesus Christ into the world but she is by any means a co-mediator nor do people have to pass by her. If you want to be made worthy of the promises of Christ, you can be made worthy by repenting of your sins and receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, no need to pass through Mary, go directly to Him.
See also: