Refuting the Ridiculous Claim That Sola Scriptura Condones to Certain Evils in Society

Official Roman Catholic doctrine doesn't teach that Sola Scriptura supposedly condones to certain evils. What should be very amazingly blasphemous is that a self-proclaimed Roman Catholic apologist (who will be referred to as "Alaska Boy" as not to get openly personal with that guy) has gone as far as to say that Sola Scriptura condones to certain evils. When asked what evils these are he mentions are death penalty and slavery.

The problem with that this guy who I call "Alaska Boy" is that he's got a poor understanding of these two areas. Let's take a look at what the Bible says about death penalty and slavery. Let's take a Scriptural view at both areas to refute Alaska Boy's claims. I waited for a long time to write this entry. Hopefully this will convict him of his heresies before it's too late.

The death penalty is supported by Scriptures

Whether he likes it or not the Bible actually calls for death penalty. It was God who spoke the death penalty into action. The same God who mentioned in Exodus 20:13 that you will not murder is the same God who ordered the death penalty. If he ever bothers to read through Exodus, he will realize that God already called for death penalty some chapters later. Moses called the death penalty in Exodus 32 for worshiping the golden calf. The death penalty is called upon in the Bible many times because God commanded it.

If I'm not wrong his response was like, "Don't bring Moses into the argument." I wonder does he realize that it was God who was talking to Moses and the Jews to carry out His judgment? It was God who commanded the Jews to put to death wicked civilizations? He plays the typical double standard of appealing to the Old Testament whenever it's convenient for him. He quotes Leviticus to justify the erroneous Roman Catholic priesthood while he says that "Well that's the Jews! We're not Jews."

Slavery in the Bible is different from the common notion of slavery

I guess he doesn't do enough research at all. If he realizes this slavery in the Bible is not like the slavery we know. I wonder if he has considered reading the following verses:
  • Exodus 21:20 would be the department social welfare and development rule against mistreating slaves.
  • Exodus 23:12 gave the household servant a day off whenever it was the Sabbath.
  • Leviticus 19:20 prohibits anyone from having sex with another man's slave.
  • Leviticus 25:39-43 says that a slave is to be released on the seventh year unless he/she loves their master and they are to be marked.
  • Deuteronomy 23:15 has the law that forbids chasing and returning escaped slaves.
  • Proverbs 29:21 encourages to treat household helpers well.
  • Proverbs 30:10 makes it a crime to slander one's household servant.

In short, the Bible requires servants to treat slaves well. This was not a matter of buying and selling slaves but voluntary slavery because of financial difficulty The slaves were to be treated with utmost care and respect. While the Bible condones slavery but not the image of slavery that one sees in the history of the slave trade.


This man shows the huge problem of treating the Scriptures like a buffet. He only picks at it when it's convenient. It's also time to ask this man the following questions and answer them to himself:
  • Who spoke about death penalty and slavery to Moses? Was it just Moses making it or did God directly speak to Him? 
  • Are you insinuating that God Himself who spoke to Moses has condoned to certain evils? If so aren't you implying that God is not sinless and holy as you believe?
  • If you say that death penalty is inapplicable because it was given to the Jews then why are you still quoting verses from Leviticus to justify the Roman Catholic priesthood? 
  • Would that mean acts like human sacrifice, bestiality and incest should now be tolerated because they were given to the Jews? Would you also say that the Ten Commandments is now irrelevant in the New Testament Church? 

See also: