Baptismal Salvation Debunked

Baptismal salvation is an ongoing heresy not only in the Roman Catholic Church (which in their case takes form in the heresy of infant baptism, a section that our offline apologists may soon ask me to upload) to most of the so-called Protestant circles are into the damnable heresy of baptismal salvation which ADDS water baptism to salvation like the Augsburg Confession that was written and edited without Martin Luther's consent plus one thing I heard was this, some of Martin Luther's followers wrote a catechism in his name after he died and perverted the Gospel he taught. Such heresies can be found in many confessions of faith which are ALL written by men against the Word of God- teaching damnable heresies such as works salvation and sacramental salvation. Again, Mark 7:13 is still true to how man's tradition goes against God's set tradition for man.  

Many of the cults use Acts 2:38 which says, "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." At first glance, it seems baptism is required for salvation but not if you really read through the whole Bible. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 1:17-, "For Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach lest the cross of Christ be made of none effect." So don't throw in the accusation at us that we don't support water baptism, we support water baptism, YES but NOT the doctrine that water baptism is necessary to be saved! There's a difference!  Also here's a very good explanation from Matthew Henry:

"You must be born again of the Spirit,’’ which regeneration by the Spirit should be signified by washing with water, as the visible sign of that spiritual grace: not that all they, and they only, that are baptized, are saved; but without that new birth which is wrought by the Spirit, and signified by baptism, none shall be looked upon as the protected privileged subjects of the kingdom of heaven.”

That is baptism ONLY signifies salvation, it is a symbol of salvation. To signify means to to be a sign of.  Yes baptism is a SIGN of one's salvation but not everybody who gets baptized is ever saved.  The only real baptism is for believers, every other baptism that is done outside the covenant of Christ should just be called a dunk in the water, not a valid baptism.

So how do we see through Acts 2:38? So let's think of the use of the word "for". For can be used in these two ways in the English language:
  • He went to the hospital for treatment because he very sick. (For here is used in the way meaning "in order to get")
  • He got scolded by the school chaplain for having a temper tantrum. (For here is used int he way meaning "because of")

For was used in the second sentence that he got scolded by the school chaplain not in order he can have a temper tantrum but because he did a temper tantrum. Likewise in the Greek, the word used is "eis" which means "because of" then if we are to REALLY cross-examine Acts 2:38, it would really mean as, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ because of the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." in the explanation of for in the statement.

So one should really read Peter's pastoral sermon IN WHOLE and not just in context to really understand Acts 2:38. In Acts 2:41 it talks about believing FIRST before they were baptized. Peter was also speaking of whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Sadly many heretical ministers just keep taking things out of context while accusing true Baptist Christians do DOING SO.  Many Baptists and Anabaptists were killed by the get wet to be saved cults as a result of saying that baptism comes AFTER salvation, not before.  

Sadly the baptismal salvation heresy has even lead to the crazy heresy of baptism without Christ. Why? If baptism saves then faith in Christ for salvation would be useless just as if good works save, then faith in Christ would be useless. Worse, quack preachers have even gone as far as to making false testimonies of their baptism has caused the "Holy Ghost experience" with various Pentecostal groups. We don't even have to mention the names of every preacher holding this doctrine, because their doctrines and false religions names them and they're singled out in the process without their names being mentioned here! Romans 11:6 is clear that salvation is either by grace or by works NOT both.