Identifying Communist Infiltration in Your Country

If you think Communism is dead, think again! Communism is still up and alive, still the key to the New World Order and thanks to the Jesuit Order, Communism is returning back to the Vatican.  We hope this is a wake-up call especially to America because ever since the Bible has been banned from the schools and politics, it's going to go Communist! When authorities DO NOT follow God, Christians should make a stand like what Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did with King Nebuchadnezzar!

So here's how to identify by these ten planks:

1.) Abolition of private property and the application of rent for all purpose
  • How is this implemented? Well just imagine it- private property is still BEING TAXED even when it's NOT earning money! If one does not pay it, the government confiscates one's property.

2.) A heavy progressive and graduated income tax
  • Some may think it's just alright but it is NOT. Malachi 3:10 demands the personal income to be tithed, not to be taxed. Today it takes form in the individual income tax where the government not only taxes the sales of a business but also the individual salary of people. It would not be long even laborers will be forced to pay this! This one seeks to punish achievement. Talk about the Roman government returned back from the days of Jesus!

3.) Abolition of rights of inheritance
  • This is the "Naboth's vineyard system" in 1 Kings 21. Remember Naboth? Ahab wanted his vineyard and wanted to get it for himself but it was a violation of the rights of inheritance. Today it's happening in the form of a  heavily graduated estate tax, where the government decides to tax the property- no tax, no inheritance. Again this is in violation to Malachi 3:10 that inheritance rights are to be tithed, not to be taxed. This should have been replaced with indirect taxes as it protects privacy, pay as you earn (no April 15 needed) and all who spend money participates.

4.) Confiscation of property of emigrants and rebels
  • This again goes back to the "Naboth's vineyard system". Remember what Jezebel did? She (presumably with Ahab's permission) framed Naboth and his sons to kill them so they could get the vineyard he so coveted. Today, it's more good on paper than in practice. Most of the property confiscated were framed up to be rebels.

5.) Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly
  • This is taking form in the creation of the Central Bank. In the Philippines this would be the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas or the Central Bank of the Philippines. It was put into good use during the martial law era and later with the Gloria Macapagal Arroyo regime.

6.) Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State
  • This takes form when the government decides to seize companies for themselves when it comes to communications and transportation. Example is during martial law when the late dictator (and Jesuit plant) Ferdinand E. Marcos seized Meralco and other private companies. The people of this ministry have NOTHING against government regulation but when the government decides to seize them for themselves, that's another issue!

7.) Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvements of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
  • This is actually more of a scam. This again is under the guise of "land reform" which farm lands end up falling into the hands of the government for their own PERSONAL PROFIT!

8.) Equal liability of all to labor and the establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
  • This takes form in the Social Security System. Kindly notice the shape of SSS with 666. SSS can mean six, six, six. Yup. This is proof of the coming New World Order.  The concept of women having to go to work even when the husband is providing has entered into the minds of people. Families are being drifted apart because there is no housewife.  Today we have mothers forced to go to work even go abroad, leaving no proper guidance to the children and leaving children under the "care" of the Communist government.

9.) Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equitable distribution of population over the country.
  • This is happening as the government is using its "land reform" to actually merge family farms and put them under the ownership of the government. When family farms are reduced, it becomes easier to enforce the New World Order in the future.

10.) Free education for all children in public schools
  • The public schools have become the "better alternative" to godly Christian schools because they are cheaper. These schools are under the Marxist control. Quite different from the schools that were set up by the American founding fathers where the Bible was allowed. By getting rid of the Bible and prayer, the public school system fell into Communist control and by teaching evolution as a fact, they have installed a bomb in the public school system. In a system that teaches that there are no absolutes but pitiless indifference, life is an accident, there is no God- it obviously is the road to the deadly doctrine of humanism that promotes the idea of a society where if the concept of God is eradicated, man will reach unlimited human progress.

Looking at it, the Marxist system which was also put in by the Jesuits is still active. Don't ever believe that Communism is dead. Nope- like the Inquisition it's just gone underground but is still MUCH active. Governments of the world are getting CLOSER to the Vatican. The New World Order is around the corner- all Christians can do right now is to FIGHT IT before the Blessed Hope comes by soulwinning and exposing the evils of society today.