Judaism and Occult Links

While Jews may claim to be the most persecuted race on Earth, true there were Jewish holocausts and hatred for them however they are no better than every other people because ALL mankind is fallen (Romans 3:10-19). The Jewish race still is in need to be BORN AGAIN like every other fallen sinner, a concept that the Pharisees HATED so much that they persecuted Jews who became Christians and Jesus stressed that fact in John 3:3. I hope that more Christian Jews will expose the satanic origins of Judaism as much as every other convert of false religion will. Also note that the Seventh Day Adventist cult is nothing more than Judaized "Christianity". What is pretty sad is that these are all the results of majority of Jews' rejection of their Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ and inevitably, they will end up accepting the Antichrist, a decision that Israel will SOON REGRET during the Tribulation Period:

There are also the occult literature of the Cabala and the Talmud. Both are systems that reject the Word of God to KEEP the tradition of men. They impose bizarre artificial laws that controlled people far more than the Roman occupation. Here's a quote about the Cabala from Cutting Edge's article "An Ancient Secret Society Killed Jesus Christ":

The second set of Jewish oral teachings was extremely secret and was classic secret society; these teachings later became known as the Cabala. One of the books constituting the Cabala was called the Sepher-Ha-Zohar, or Book of Light. This book was committed to writing by the Rabbi Simon and his son, Eliezer who sat in a cavern every day for 12 years with sand up to their necks. While they were in this awful physical condition, they "meditated" on the sacred law, and were frequently visited by the great prophet Elias. (Nesta Webster, "Secret Societies", p. 8). The Apostle Paul was right on target when he warned, in 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, that Satan and his demons may transform themselves into angels of light and ministers of righteousness in order to deceive gullible man. One of the most common point amongst false religions is that the original text of revelation was given to the founder by an angel of light. Both Mohammed and Joseph Smith (Mormonism) were given their "new" revelations from a angel of light.
Thus, the Jewish priesthood began formulating a plan to bring all Jewish people into spiritual and physical bondage by creating this dual system of the public Talmud plus the very secret Cabala. The teachings of the public Talmud bound the people by almost 1,000 rules of everyday living and it began to move them away from the spiritual truth that God had revealed to Moses. Thus, the first requirement of a secret society was fulfilled, that of hiding the Truth from the people, partly by outright fabrication and partly by adding to Moses' original laws.
The secret teachings of the Cabala were truly Satanic. Some authors have admitted these teachings were for "magical" purposes. One author critical of the Cabala wrote that the Cabala is "a subtle poison which enters into the veins of Judaism and wholly infests it" (Theodore Reinach, quoted by Nesta Webster in "Secret Societies", p. 9). Salomon Reinach calls the Cabala "one of the worst aberrations of the human mind". Further, the Cabala has significantly influenced the beliefs and the direction of many European secret societies which were subsequently established in succeeding centuries. This influence was so profound that many non-Jewish secret societies literally have assumed a Jewish tone and character.

I have highlighted some parts in yellow to point out how satanic Judaism is and I believe as a former Roman Catholic, that the Talmud and the Cabala were both integrated later by the Council of Trent (most likely modeled after the Sanhedrin) and modified for their own use. Also, Judaism has also managed to influence Communism! Most people today have done hand signs like the Devil's salute (cornutto), the okay sign (which chefs do), imitate the Masonic handshake which might have originated from corrupted Judaism. Okay I am NOT saying everybody who does those hand signs are immediately Masons, Illuminati agents or Jesuit agents otherwise that would be the fallacy of guilt by association like how the SDAs immediately associate Sunday worship with 666 just because Roman Catholics go to church on Sundays. Satan is no different with keeping the Jews away from the Gospel as much as he is with other races.

While one has to admit that there are Jews who invented great stuff that managed to improve society like personal computers, microchips or even the widely used Microsoft Office software by Bill Gates, it is VERY IMPORTANT to love the Jewish people ENOUGH to keep witnessing to them about their need for salvation and that their Messiah is Jesus Christ.