The Common Evil of Antinomianism and Conditional Security!

The heresy of Antinomianism turns the grace of God into a license to sin.  In short, it is easily associated with easy believism or believing that a Christian can still stay a Christian, or that there are Christians who are saved and yet living like the Devil or that now you are under the grace of God, you can sin all you want.  On the other hand, conditional security (which can be associated with Jacobus Arminius' heresy of Arminianism).    Both groups are opponents to sound doctrine and are ground in this COMMON EVIL- they are teaching the heresy that separates the sanctification of the believer BY GOD'S GRACE.  In what way?

Antinomianism- As said, its proponents teach that the Christian is free from the obligations of the Law and are now free to live the way they want.  It's tantamount and equal to the heresy of easy believism that you can just say a simple prayer, never mind carrying your cross, never mind sanctification and that a Christian can live the way they want.  They utterly exclude the grace of God changes lives. John Calvin was one to object to Antinomianism by stating that God's Spirit keeps a Christian in continual obedience, while teaching that Christians may stumble.  Christians may sin but they DO NOT live a life of sin!  

There is really no way I should accept anybody who lives in such gross immorality like a porn star, a homosexual, etc. to claim they have been born again.  If you're a Christian, where is the fruit?  I put a huge question mark on such people because they have not works to show their faith (James 2:18).  Faith without good works is a sham, it is not a genuine conversion.  Jesus also warned that by their fruits (Matthew 7:16).  Preachers like Charles Spurgeon have always been speaking about the fact that salvation results to a changed life which Scriptures support.  In Paul Washer's preaching, he stresses out the fact that true salvation results to a real changed life. John Macarthur stressed out in his book "The Gospel According to Jesus" that while salvation is by faith alone, it is however by a faith that is not alone.  Good works for the glory of God and a changed life in the Christian validates faith.  Faith is not passive it is active.  Read Hebrews 11 and James 2 to see what real faith is and why I HATE Antinomianism.

Conditional security- Though its proponents sound "moral" and "sound", they are actually wicked and hypocritical.  I've already had enough of how their teachers while trying to sound so moral actually display the opposite of what they teach and so are their followers- drunkards, homosexuals, adulterers, etc. by lifestyle because their works are but man's effort to please God to keep them saved rather than God's work in man.  They are like the Pharisees they say and DO NOT.  In their heretical teaching, they say proponents of eternal security or what is also called the perseverance of the saints (right now I'd call it the preservation of the saints) cannot teach holy living because they tend to result to lawlessness which is a lie.  For me a proponent of the perseverance of the saints, I believe holy living can be taught BECAUSE of God's grace (Titus 2:11-15).  

If man needed to do good works to stay saved rather than they do good works because they are already saved, that is still works salvation and SELF-SANCTIFICATION NOT SANCTIFICATION BY THE HOLY SPIRIT AND GOD'S GRACE (and these LIARS will continue to LIE that they do not teach works salvation).  If man can lose their salvation every time they sin, then it's again their work compared to if every time a Christian sins that God spanks them unto repentance but does not cast them out, that keeps the Christian from living a life contrary to God's rules by GRACE compared tot he works-based doctrine of conditional security.  Conditional security actually KILLS the wounded and prevents growth in grace, not Lordship salvation.  Not only that, many of them are Antinomians by action like homosexuals, drunkards, robbers, murderers and adulterers just to name a few.