Definitely NO To Bullying in Christian Education Systems!

One of the biggest problems today in the secular system is bullying especially when these schools become too lenient to the point that the delegated authorities and students become monsters themselves. In fact, children bullying other children is one clear proof of the reality that man is not basically good. Romans 3:10-19 is clear that is a reality that must be faced about the sinfulness of man. Children bully other children for many reasons like some are mistreated themselves at home, others are spoiled brats who think they can get away with all the wickedness they do is always wrong. Problem is with the philosophy of man is basically good and you may want to think also of the GODLESS system of evolution taught in both public and private schools. Ever since America took away the paddle from the school as "child abuse", a lot of incidents have happened in the public schools and it happened all because the Bible got outlawed. 

The problem of teaching evolution also is that while atheists plead Christians not to bear false witness, the lies of evolution have already encouraged the pitiless indifference bullying does. After all, don't many atheist writers teach that there's nothing but pitiless indifference? It does get no surprising how foolish these kinds of people get- they suggest man is basically good then they say there's nothing but pitiless indifference, no good and no evil. So if morality is relative, if morality is just a fairy tale then there's no ground for such people to condemn bullying. In fact, bullying has led to early deaths like school shootings and other similar incidents. It's a sad reality and being bullied myself by a delinquent who kept failing several levels, I know how it feels!

All I can say is the need for the paddle is a reality. I could care less if the department of education will label me a lunatic because I teach John 14:6, that man is not basically good and that I believe spanking must be done. In fact, they are so blind they can't even differentiate disciplinary action from Communist brutality to the point I am even called a Communist by some of my worst enemies because I support the traditional Baptist discipline for students! In fact, I believe naughty children must be punished by both parents and the schools but of course, never to the extent to cross the line to use brutal actions. 

If a school becomes strict with its discipline, it can be guaranteed that teachers bullying students and students bullying other students will be so minimal it can be controlled. But when a school becomes too lenient, then face a lot of serious incidents with bullying! Bullies must be spanked and then lectured that bullying doesn't make them mature, it makes them more childish than who they are bullying and such actions can lead to them getting into more serious trouble because they could get what they deserve since some people can even go as far as to be petty enough to kill them if they irritate the latter. Unless bullying is disciplined as early as possible, such people will go into society to become monsters and misfits that nobody wants to be close to.