So Much for "Spirituality" in the Jesuit Academies!

To counteract the multiple times the Jesuit priests have tried to counter the Reformation in the modern day, it's quite important to really bring how the whole Jesuit academic system has actually become a failure in spirituality despite the name "spirituality" in Ignatian Spirituality which turned out to be good only in paper. As far as concerned, here are some of my observation about some Jesuit academies though I would not say all of their students are degenerate:
  1. They usually end up being the most expensive schools. You might want to think of how the names of Jesuit schools are frequently tagged to rich families. That is if you attend a Jesuit ran school, you must be very prestigious.It's also very easy to tag a person studying in a Jesuit school to be a prestigious person. This was one reason why I remembered some girls in my high school days (who weren't saved) decided to start dating boys from the Jesuit schools to secure "better partners than what was available" unaware of the deadly seduction that they got themselves into!
  2. Because of this high price education, the students tend to become very competitive materially and start bragging about their "cool stuff" to the point they will bully the "left out students". This is really very irritating to think about.
  3. I have observed myself of the poor spirituality and high materialism of several Jesuit educated students. Many of them are pretty materialistic. From an experience, I have noticed that many of the men there are braggarts and many of the women there are flirts. It becomes an issue that many of its students are actually the kind to go malling after school hours rather than going home to study. These students are floating in the air, unaware of what real life is.
  4. School activities can be a factor to the failed spirituality. While I studied in a Christian school where there were no such nonsense as JS-Prom and Graduation Balls, the problem with many Jesuit schools is them endorsing such events. Try to imagine having high class events like going to island trips and taking high class cruises, having such high class graduation balls and JS-Proms filled with unruly people and I really can't believe how crazy things are. Contributions can be very whopping high like just for a Christmas party, one Jesuit academy I knew required PHP 5,000.00 per student which could have been used for groceries and soulwinning.

I really just cannot buy the story that they sent their children to Jesuit schools for spirituality. No, in reality they really sent their children to Jesuit schools to sound prestigious and high class. So much for the claim of Ignatian Spirituality. I can acknowledge the fact that some of the best graduates are Jesuit-schooled but sad to say, such education is just useless babble.