Being Careful of "Because We Said So" Theology

I would admit that I have certain favorite preachers like John MacArthur, Paul Washer, Ray Comfort, Robert Charles Sproul, Charles Spurgeon, Billy Sunday, David Cloud, Lester Roloff and Estus Pirkle to name a few but we have to realize these- these are men and not God.  True they are men of God but they are not God.  The problem with the "because we said so theology" is as stupid as this:

The problem with "Catholic Clips" is the "because we said so" theology.  Nobody should put their pastors on the pedestal because it can be very misleading.  Pastor-centered churches are dangerous because they can operate as cults that where, "Because the pastor says so." and not because the Bible says so.  That is why people are commanded to STUDY their Bible.  I would admit that even some of my favorite preachers tend to disagree with each other in certain points that's why I rely on studying the Bible rather than relying on them all the time.  Pastors help us understand Scripture, I mean I also listen to Pastor John F. Macarthur to gain more insights in Scriptures but to become dependent on him or any of my favorite preachers can lead to a lot of error.  In fact, that's why I admire Pastor Paul Washer's stand to STOP celebrity worshiping preachers because such a practice robs away the glory from God.

In truth, I enjoy a good preaching but every pulpit must be 100% Christ-centered INCLUDING the pastor and the pastor must hold a Christ-centered theology.  The problem is however with Roman Catholicism and its anti-Catholic harlot daughters is that the one thing these opposing religions have in common is the pastor-centered preaching- or in the case of the Pope he is their "supreme pastor" built on a a severe misinterpretation of Matthew 16:16-18.  Because they are man-centered, one strange doctrine after the other gets invented or absorbed from works salvation to baptismal salvation to whatever strange doctrines are born because they don't rely on the Holy Spirit but rather human authority.  We have human authority and preaching BUT we are not to be centered on it.