Is the Interpretation of Scripture Left to the Roman Catholic Institution or Not?

I am practically disturbed by how the Roman Catholic institution claims that they have all the authority to interpret Scriptures as the "infallible magisterium" or authority.  Like it or not, that trait also made into some of its daughters like the INC and Mormonism to name a few having its central government that is in charge of "interpreting Scriptures" accurately when the more I examine Scriptures, the more I really see how stupid it is.  In fact, even Catholic Clips ministries is mind you very good at heckling.  Some say, "Well only the Roman Catholic Church built upon Peter has the authority to interpret Scriptures.  Why don't you check out 1 Timothy 3:15?"  To be honest, I cannot help but feel sorry and ignorant for how Catholics claim to have their Scriptural grounds when in 1 Timothy 3, it requires the bishop to be married and besides, isn't a priest also a church leader?  The Good News translation uses "church leader" in the place of priests.  Besides, how many times do I see the Catholic Church actually skip Scriptures as they "infallibly interpret" it?  

I really think that Matthew 16:16-18 and 18:18 are still all so severely misinterpreted by Roman Catholics to where they assume that the Council of Trent is the final authority aside from 1 Timothy 3.  But mind you, the more I really hear the interpretations of priests, the more I realize it's plain eisegetical than exegetical.  I mean, while they condemn private interpretation of commoners but isn't the interpretation of the Council of Trent based on THEIR private interpretation?  1 Peter 1:20-21 actually condemns all those cults that claim their magisterium is the only one to interpret it- and I'm not only attacking the Catholic Church but also its anti-Catholic harlot daughters for this matter.  When we think about it, the Good News translation says, "Above all else however, remember that NO ONE can explain by himself or herself a prophecy in the Scriptures.  For NO prophetic message ever came just from human will but people were UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT as they spoke the message that came from God."  The prophets were under the control of the Holy Spirit, the Apostles were under the control of the Holy Spirit and by the time revelation was complete, the Holy Spirit still remains as the only one who can help Christians understand the Scriptures.

Besides, I really doubt it that the members of the Council of Trent were even or really under the control of the Holy Spirit as they even claim.  When we think about it, they have actually added these erroneous teachings due to their private interpretation and they aren't under the control of the Holy Spirit.  I would like to point these out as some facts I have noticed:
  • To claim Peter as the first Pope, they always misquote Matthew 16:16-18.  In fact, please do notice the tenses here, "You are Peter and upon this (obviously it isn't pointing to Peter) Rock I will build my Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."  
  • How many times has Rome deleted Exodus 20:4-5 from their catechisms to justify their use of images for worship?  Even if they claim they aren't worshiping the image, they actually are worshiping the wrong way.
  • Roman Catholic clergy members are all sworn to celibacy.  However 1 Timothy 3:1-7 says that church leaders MUST be in a sexually pure marriage to run the church properly.  It made me think a pastor who is sexually pure has more rights to counsel marriage over somebody who is single and available whether sexually pure or not which is a single person who gives marriage counseling is just as invalid as the sexually immoral giving marriage counsel.
  • They try to use verses in the Bible to justify their priests wearing robes and miters but are they aware that those stuff were meant for the Tribe of Levi if they do read it in context?  In fact, let their imagination run wild and they will say that the apostles wore those robes!  And also how many percent of the priests' uniform from the Bible are they wearing anyway?
  • They have ended up interpreting John 6:58 as to literally eating the flesh and blood of Christ.  Now remember, the Jews were even puzzled at it.  If you think about it, Christ does not mean it literally as we ought to think, eating flesh and blood literally is against God's Law.  What is even funnier is that Roman Catholics have not only taken this literally but I did notice that first, remember it's the Lord's SUPPER and why are they even serving it when it's during the morning?  Also, I would like to really point out why aren't believers partaking in the wine which they believe has become the blood?  This really has become proof of how confused they are!

Well the truth is always out there and they're getting desperate so they have resolved to stuff like the Catholic Clips, making up stories and so on.  Believe me, I am not going to spend my time arguing with them, I am only here to share the truth.