Not All Mariologists Think Born Again Christians Hate Mary

While I won't be doing any inter-blog debates and I'll just focus on the Scriptural truth but let me show this truth that not all Mariologists think that born again Christians hate Mary.  In dealing with unbelievers, it's very important to stick to the truth.  Now I'd like to deal with the two types of stand I've seen from Roman Catholic apologists about the born again Christian view on Mary.

I remembered the time I became a born again Christian, I remembered how some fanatical Marian devotees have actually misrepresented the whole born again Christian stand on Mary.  They say that because born again Christians are opposed to rites like the Rosary, Novenas, pilgrimages to Mary, praying to Mary (and some deny they pray to Mary), get rid of Marian images, refuse to believe Mary remained a virgin and say that Mary has no part in salvation, they immediately misrepresent them as Mary haters.  In fact, that is quite the Marian fanaticism that I am not surprised in seeing today.  During the time of the Inquisition, just for merely denying a Roman Catholic doctrine about Mary could mean one's life was at stake.  One of the worst Marian fanatics was Bloody Mary of England who executed many born again Christians simply for refusing to participate in the Marian rituals and accept Marian doctrine.  

On the other hand, some of them have actually have a much different stand.  I would like to actually mention that some Catholic apologists are what I'd like to commend some of them while I am still praying for the salvation of their souls.  I was pretty surprised when some Mariology scholars actually think otherwise.  In fact, I was surprised to think how some Mariologists during a Marian recollection instead of raising up the issue that born again Christians hate Mary, they say that the issue with the latter is not Mary herself but the doctrines of the Roman Catholic institution has about Mary.  Then again, I won't engage in any form of debate with them, period.