Do the Jesuits Really Live Up to Their Motto "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam"?
Their motto is better called as "For the Greater Glory of the Jesuits" because... they DO NOT give glory to God by their actions! |
I always find how people use very fancy titles like for example, the Jesuits call themselves the Society of Jesus. Every Jesuit priest carries the initial SJ to show they belong to the Society of Jesus when they are serving another Jesus whether they are the professed or the lesser priests like Pope Francis and the late Cardinal Augustin Bea. But the more I read about their history, the more I realize that the whole usage of "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam" might as well be called as "Ad Maoirem Jesuit Gloriam" because what they are doing is just for "The Greater Glory of the Jesuits". Do you know why they have arranged assassinations and the like? It's because if they don't, they would lose their grip. Besides, a hidden historical record proved Pope Clement XIV was poisoned by the Jesuits after he supposedly abolished them. Was that for the greater glory of God or for the Jesuits when they poisoned the Pope? It was most likely for their greater glory and that incident leads me to believe the claim that the Jesuit General is rightfully called the "Black Pope" because he runs the Vatican from behind the scenes, in fact, he may even be the real power in the Vatican.
Knowing that John Calvin and Ignatius of Loyola once went to the University of Paris together, one continued the Reformation while the other was among the other people who was working to counter the Reformation. The Reformation actually deserved to use the Latin motto used by the Jesuits than the Jesuits themselves. The Reformation's five Solas were Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone), Sola Gracia (Grace alone), Sola Fide (faith alone), Sola Christo (in Christ alone) and Sola Deo Gloria (Glory to God alone) which the Jesuit motto "Ad Majorem Deo Gloria" is pretty much its summary. The Reformers were truly working for the Greater Glory of God while the Jesuits were nothing more than using the Latin motto in vain, worse they are actually using the name of God in vain because while they claim to do things for God's glory (in name only) but they are in fact "Ad Majorem Jesuit Gloria" or "For the Greater Glory of the Jesuits". They do not deserve to even wear that motto on their logo or anywhere else because they have always been doing activities for the greater glory of the Jesuit Order. On the other hand, the Reformers and later Reformed Theologians have always proclaimed the Scriptural truth that it's glory to God and to Him alone.
Also if your salvation is by works either to earn it or to keep it, then it's not even "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam" at all but "Ad Majorem Sui Gloriam" or "For the greater glory of self.". As I mentioned about the Reformation earlier, each of the five points are Scriptural. Roman Catholics have rejected Sola Scriptura as their source because as Mark 7:8-13 warns, they reject the Word of God to keep their own traditions. If your salvation had to be kept by doing good works rather than your good works spring out because you're saved, then that kind of salvation is still relying on self rather than relying on Christ. As Charles Spurgeon says that a good work is not good at all, except it be for the greater glory of God. The Roman Catholic salvation has never been in its practice for the greater glory of God. Rather, it's like the Pharisees who put their acts of righteousness in public but indeed, it's all for show business. Indeed, the Jesuits have already received their reward from the praises of men, they love the praises of men based on their actions. Roman Catholics may claim not to worship Mary but the fact that they have given more glory to God than her by their actions again shows they wear the Latin motto in vain. Worse, they are using the name of God in vain whenever they wear that logo but their actions prove otherwise.
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