Pope Francis Is so Dead Wrong About the Dead!

I am really amazed at how some Roman Catholic apologists accuse born again Christians of following the pastor blindly while they follow the Pope blindly.  The statement that people assist the souls of Purgatory through good works, prayers and participation in the Eucharist really denies the the fact that salvation is intensely personal.  Salvation is one's individual responsibility and unfortunately, Pope Francis is just so dead wrong with just about everything.  I do not expect him to be be sound in doctrine considering that papal infallibility is a myth.  Although Roman Catholics do not believe that the Pope cannot commit mistakes but to believe that the Pope has the Holy Spirit to guide him in doctrinal issues has been disproved by historical data all spoken from the Papal Throne.

Salvation has been so intensely personal there is nothing that another person's actions can do to help the person.  You can share the Gospel with a person all you please but if he or she refuses to believe than it is his or her problem.  Matthew 7:13-14 speaks that the way to life is narrow and broad is the way to destruction.  It means only one person enters at a time showing how nobody rides on another person in salvation.  Either the person surrenders to the Lord Jesus Christ or they do not leading to either two outcomes: the broad way to destruction or the narrow way to life.  You have many options to destruction but only one way to life.

Lastly, Purgatory denies the sufficiency of a once and for all sacrifice as Hebrews 10;12 declares there is only one sacrifice for sin.  Even with the Good News Translation lacking some verses, Hebrews 10:12 is still there saying, "Christ, however, offered one sacrifice for sins, an offering that is effective forever, and then He sat down at the right side of God. "  There is only one sacrifice for sins and Jesus paid it all and that it was effective forever.  If a person had to pay for their sins in Purgatory while they died under a state of grace then Masses have to be offered then it denies the sufficiency in the Lord Jesus Christ.  The Roman Catholic institution woefully denies men entrance to Heaven when its leaders do not enter themselves.  

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