Filipino Racists Who Are Also Roman Catholic Fanatics Are Contradicting Themselves

Let's focus on another division within Rome. This is the trend of Roman Catholics who are Filipino racists. This may be the mindset of Filipino racists who are also practicing Roman Catholics:
  • If you're a Filipino then you should practice Roman Catholicism.
  • The born again Christian faith must be rejected as something that was just "made in America". They believe that Billy Graham is the founder of the born again Christian group during the 1970s.
  • They may also be adhering to the ideology that Filipinos are the most powerful race in the world.

It's time to address the foolishness of their foolish arguments one by one. This would point out how they are self-contradictory individuals.

1.) The argument that if you're a Filipino then you should practice Roman Catholicism relies on the logical fallacy called appealing to tradition 

These people may insist that because Roman Catholicism was practiced in the Philippines for several centuries now that they must indeed become Roman Catholics. They may claim that Roman Catholicism is an inseparable part of being a Filipino. They insist that since they were raised Roman Catholics then they will die as Roman Catholics no matter how wrong it is. They want to remain as Roman Catholics with the fear that they may lose their identity as Filipinos.

What they may be ignoring the major fact that the Philippines wasn't always populated by mostly Roman Catholics. The religion was brought in by the Spanish colonizers and wasn't always in the Philippines. The natives of the Philippines were once practitioners of ethnic tribal religions. So why are they not practicing ethnic tribal religion instead of Roman Catholicism since ethnic religion was also practiced by their ancestors? I guess they'll just reply that since the tribal religion has gone extinct and that God supposedly moved the covenant from Israel to them. Please show a specific verse in context.

2.) The idea that born again Christian didn't exist until the 1970s and is just an American invention of Billy Graham is riddled with contradictory claims  

Billy Graham was already addressed as a friend of the Jesuits in the Catholic Herald of June 3, 1966 and he's still openly a friend of the Jesuits. Graham's crusades didn't create born again Christianity. Being a born again Christian is not about joining a sect called "born again". Need I remind you that Graham himself is supposedly a Baptist pastor in name and profession? One important fact about Graham is his fellowship with the Popes or that he considers Roman Catholics as part of the family in Christ. The late John Paul II regarded him as a brother in Christ. If Graham founded born again Christianity and John Paul II regarded the former as a brother then shouldn't Roman Catholics embrace born again Christians as family? That's quite a dilemma for their fanaticism.

Also the idea that born again Christianity was just a term invented by Americans is also contradictory. Even the 1899 Douay Catholic Bible translate "born from above" as "born again" which puts the claim in a dilemma. They appeal to the Greek whenever it's convenient never mind that the Greek actually contradicts them. Did they know that the word baptize comes from the word baptizo which means to immerse or that catholic was meant as a descriptive word and not the official name of the church?

3.) The idea of the Filipino master race while practicing Roman Catholicism puts them in a bigger dilemma 

As said earlier, the Philippines wasn't always a nation full of Roman Catholics and that the Spaniards brought the religion to the country. If they hate foreigners so much or keep blaming foreigners for their problems, they need to remember that the Roman Catholic institution is a worldwide organization. You have Roman Catholics in almost every part of the globe so what makes them think that the Philippines is so "special"? Did God just move His covenant from the Jews to the Filipinos? They'll probably just misquote verses in the same way as the members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Manalo).

Jesus was born in His humanity in a Jewish home. While they can claim that the Pope is the successor of Peter (and Peter is a Jew) but they have to answer if the Popes were Filipinos. For those of them who are have their xenophobic hostilities, they need to ask themselves if the Vatican is located in the Philippines or in Italy or if the Pope is a foreigner or not. This should also be another dilemma that the Filipino language is a mixture of several languages and that today's Filipino alphabet could not be possible without foreign influence. Not to mention when they may be attending Masses officiated in American-English singing hymns in English along with Filipino hymns. The Roman Catholic translations were originally written in Latin and not in Filipino..

What's also funny is that Filipino racists who are Roman Catholics may also have all their bizarre beliefs not supported by the official Roman Catholic doctrine. Some of these beliefs include not bathing on Good Friday, some of them may believe Jesus dies every Good Friday, the belief of folk monsters not recognized to be real by Roman Catholic doctrine, wearing of garlic to repel evil spirits and voluntary crucifixion as a form of penance. Many of these doctrines have been officially shunned as heretical by the Roman Catholic institution and a result of syncretism between Filipino folk religion and Roman Catholicism.