The Prosperity Gospel is an Enemy of Cheerful Giving

I remembered having a lecture on the prosperity gospel. One of the worst lies of the prosperity gospel is that giving money or the tithes and offerings to their pastors will turn you into a millionaire, God will spare them from trouble and that they can have the desires of their wicked heart. That's one of the worst heresies I've heard. On the contrary the more faithful you are to God the more you should expect enemy attacks. Some people I know are faithful in giving and their tithes and offerings yet they are not living as billionaires. The motive of giving in the prosperity gospel is to gain the false promise that God wants us happy, healthy and wealthy all the time. That's not cheerful giving isn't it?

If you give money to God in exchange for material blessings then something is pretty wrong. It's a terrible misapplication of Malachi 3:9-10. Do they even know that the blessings where there isn't enough room to receive it isn't all about becoming a billionaire or have lots of money? What can't be contained? The spiritual blessings of God. While God does bless financially but may times He chooses not to make people super rich unless they can be trusted with much riches. Most of the time the Christian who does the best work may be neither poor nor rich (Proverbs 30:8). The Christian life has never been giving your tithes and offerings and God makes you a billionaire. Instead, it's all about giving tithes and offerings to support the work of God.

What is the new equivalent of the storehouse? The local New Testament churches since the Tribe of Levi is no longer having its priestly office. Paying the tithes and offerings are meant to help the local church in its mission for God and not to fill the pocket of the pastor. God blesses financially but not that you can enjoy it for your selfish gain. Instead, it's blessing financially so the person can share the blessing that doesn't have enough room to receive it. The problem of prosperity theology is that people give money not to glorify God but to glorify self. The followers of the prosperity gospel seek to give money so God will turn them into billionaires. It's giving with a selfish motive instead of giving cheerfully.

Are you paying your tithes and offerings? Then it's time to check your motives in giving them to support the local New Testament churches. Don't be like Saul who caught the best cattle thinking they are a substitute to obedience. 1 Samuel 15:22-23 has Samuel warn Saul about disobedience. To obey is better than sacrifice and to heed is better than the fat of rams. What's the use of givign 10% of what you earn and give offerings if all you want is to become a billionaire instead of glorifying God by helping His ministry?

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