Handling the Roman Catholic Accusation That Born Again Christians Also Include the Prosperity Gospel Crowd

Some Roman Catholic apologists (the amateur or self-proclaimed ones) refuse to get saved because not only do they believe that being truly born again is through Roman Catholic infant baptism or adult baptism (which neither involve immersion by default) but also they mistakenly assume that prosperity gospel preachers are born again Christian pastors. They go ahead and cite a lot of incidents involving crooked pastors (who born again Christians oppose as workers of Satan) which also includes the prosperity gospel crowd.

Why aren't prosperity gospel crowd members born again Christians? Do the Roman Catholics who object to born again Christianity know what it means to be born again? Being born again is not about doing the best you can to maintain God's grace or to get baptized. Instead, it's all about forming a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The prosperity gospel crowd doesn't teach the Gospel as it is. They don't accept Sola Scriptura. No, Sola Scriptura doesn't form thousands of denominations as they claim. In fact, many of the "Protestant" denominations that they say are born again Christians reject Sola Scriptura. It's very common to mistake almost every pseudo-Christian organization to be Protestant. While Martin Luther, John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli and John Knox were Reformers many of the founders of the pseudo-Christian sectarians were claiming to be the so-called last messenger who built another religion. The same goes with prosperity gospel preachers.

Some prosperity gospel preachers are openly working with the Vatican. Benny Hinn a prosperity gospel preacher was a good friend of the late Pope John Paul II. Joel Osteen is also a pro-Vatican preacher. During the death of the late John Paul II it was shown on CNN how Hinn called the Pope as one of the most important people. The Trinity Broadcasting Network is very pro-Vatican. They can go ahead and deny all they want but the evidence is bright as day that some prosperity gospel preachers are indeed working for the Vatican.

Here's a video of John F. MacArthur renouncing the prosperity gospel as a fake and not the Gospel according to Jesus. The born-again Christian only adheres to the Gospel according to Jesus not according to some fanciful whim of some crazy pastor. They may say that this is "proof" that born again Christianity is a self-contradictory cult creating movement. I'm sorry but Sola Scriptura has kept born again Christianity united in spite of minor differences. It's been rejecting Sola Scriptura that created those many small "Protestant" denominations or rival cults that reject Sola Scriptura.

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