Fools Are Wise in Their Own Eyes and Science Proves It
The Bible is a very offensive book for many reasons. It attacks what you normally believe such as the natural goodness of man. Another thing the Bible attacks is the idea that man is basically wise. Unfortunately, the Bible reveals that man is inherently foolish and must be made wise. Maybe that's why a certain now-closed atheist (and possibly homosexual) Youtuber hates the Bible - said atheist thinks he's highly intelligent when his actions show that he's indeed a fool. I guess that's why he hates the Bible - it shatters his own delusions that he delights in!
Here are some passages of the Bible that talk about the fool that's wise in one's own eyes:
Here are some passages of the Bible that talk about the fool that's wise in one's own eyes:
Proverbs 12:15
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.
Proverbs 26:12
Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope of a fool than of him.
The truth has been summarized in Judges' final verse that says every man did what was right in their own eyes. Did you know following what your sinful heart tells you is not good advice? Jeremiah 17:9 says that our hearts are really that evil. Evil is a reality in the heart of human beings. Yet, people want to believe that they're "basically good" when evidence around the world shows otherwise. If mankind is basically good then why does evil even exist? A man by nature is not even a humble nature ever since the fall of mankind.
If science is so beloved to these fools then do they know there is such a phenomenon that explains their self-praise? It's called the Dunning Kruger Effect. Here's what Science ABC has to say about the phenomenon:
Dunning and Kruger, in their paper, suggest that people suffering from such a cognitive bias overestimate their skills or talents. In other words, incompetent people have no idea how incompetent or unskilled they really are. People who perform poorly on a test, on average, realize that they performed poorly; it’s just that they don’t realize how much worse (than the average) they actually performed.
Dunning and Kruger suggested that this sort of overestimation is partly because unskilled people suffer a dual burden. Not only do these people reach incorrect conclusions and make unfortunate choices, but their incompetence or lack of skill robs them of the ability to even realize that they’re not skilled.
In other words, some incompetent people are too incompetent to realize just how incompetent they are!
Whether you like it or not - psychological disorders happen also because of sin. People are given up to sin resulting in these psychological disorders. They are given to a reprobate mind just like how homosexuality is a mental disorder. The Dunning Kruger effect is an effect of Adam's sin towards mankind. God cursed the ground and the Earth because of Adam's sin. However, God provided the solution in the Lord Jesus Christ. The question is are you willing to let Him be your Lord and Savior or do you still want to think you're too smart to believe in a God?
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