How Being Wise in One's Own Eyes Causes People to Walk Towards Their Self-Destruction
It's no doubt that this is the era of the Laodicean church age. I even hear that Generation Z has the problem of a rise in atheism and the so-called intellectuals who are in fact, fools. Is it anything but surprising? One reason why I can trust the Bible is because of prophecies that happen before my eyes. History, archaeology, and science have proven the Bible right yet you have atheists who want to prove it wrong. I just feel like laughing at it for this reason - they claim to hold science dear to them yet they adhere to many unscientific ideas just so they don't have to believe the Bible! Science is based on facts and figures - not mere speculation such as the Big Bang Theory or any "theory" wishing to explain away the existence of God.
The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 1:18-32 the following hard truths to swallow:
We have such people today who claim that they have become too enlightened and rational to believe in a god or God. They claim that science has supposedly disproved God and threw in strawman fallacies (while accusing others of doing the same to them), that Christianity is a stumbling block to progress (I guess they should dishonor many scientists who are in fact, Christians, such as Francis Bacon), and that they are the epitome of science. However, their "science" is questionable at best. There's so much evidence for creationism yet they try to explain it away. Pastor Ray Comfort of Living Waters stated the sad truth that you can take the atheist to evidence but a hardened heart is a hardened heart. Do you remember the Pharaoh of the Exodus? He saw all the signs and wonders yet he still remained in the hardness of heart.
The evidence for God and creationism is everywhere yet atheists are too proud to believe it. Many of the best scientists are Christians or at least creationists. Louie Pasteur, though a Roman Catholic, stressed the fact that life can only come from life. Francis Bacon the pioneer of the scientific method was a Christian. Isaac Newton was a Christian. Yet, why do many atheists want to believe that you have to an atheist to be scientific? Why would they adhere to the famous quote of Dawkins' book "River Out of Eden" about the absence of purpose then try to condemn Christians for lying? Isn't that a really bad case of a double standard? They are contradicting themselves whenever they say that there's no good and no evil yet they condemn God and Christianity to be evil? Also, if the Bible is just a book of fables then why does it offend them that much? This has caused them to fall into diverse forms of foolishness while claiming themselves to be very wise. They are wise in their own eyes (Proverbs 12:15, 26:12).
It can get confusing if God hates sin when why did He give them up to enjoy their sinfulness? Somehow, one can continue to think that God doesn't violate free will. Not even the doctrine of Calvinism or unconditional election violates free will. God makes the unwilling, willing. He has given them for a reason just like He chose to harden the heart of the Pharaoh of the Exodus. I can call it God respecting your freedom to choose while letting the consequences take place by themselves or letting such people suffer His direct wrath sooner or later. You can talk about how people engage in bodily-destroying activities that science would otherwise dictate is not safe for one's body. They become so foolish that the simple facts of science are ignored. It's because they are ignoring the One who established all the scientific laws namely God Himself. Giving them up to be destroyed by their vile affection can be seen as a form of judgment because it will sooner or later be to their disadvantage.
It's so stupid how pro-homosexuality atheists claim to be very scientific yet simple biology states that there are two genders and that everything reproduces according to their kind. Yet, they want to believe that men and monkeys come from a common ancestor rather than a common creator. They even use atheistic evolutionary "science" (and funny that Charles Darwin and many of his disciples aren't atheists either) to justify homosexuality. If you study basic gender biology then you should know male DNA and female DNA are very different from each other. Yet, why do they insist that there are the third, fourth, etc. genders when there are only two biological genders? Gender is a state of mind? Not according to science!
The theme of the Book of Judges has been summarized as "Every person what was right in their own eyes." You can think the cycle of the Book of Judges is still here today. The same sin cycle happens over and over again. People sin, God delivers, people are delivered and the cycle repeats itself all over again. It's because of a new generation of people who aren't saved led to the sin cycle in the Book of Judges. Men are born fools whether you like it or not. Foolishness is bound in the heart of children and they must be taught wisdom. If men were born wise then the Book of Proverbs wouldn't have personified wisdom as a woman who cries out in the streets to be wise. Mankind always had a long history of making disastrous decisions because they're naturally foolish while having the tendency to think that they are so wise. The Bible demands true wisdom which can only be achieved by humility and not by arrogance. Arrogant people never learn because they aren't willing to learn. Only a humble heart can have an open mind to learn the wisdom of God. That can only be achieved by receiving Jesus Christ the Righteous Judge as one's Lord and Savior.
See also:
The very wrath of God towards man has been long foretold. The fall of man is a truth that's not convenient to man's ears. The Gospel is hard to sell because the unpleasant truth is hard to sell. How often do you hear of man's "basic goodness" over the sad reality that man is wicked? Yet, people delude themselves to think that they are basically good. However, mankind isn't basically good. Don't believe me then stop reading the newspapers! The newspapers show each day how "basically good" men are doing acts of wickedness. That fact alone already confirms the Bible's stance that the world is lost in sin yet people don't want to believe it.
The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 1:18-32 the following hard truths to swallow:
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
We have such people today who claim that they have become too enlightened and rational to believe in a god or God. They claim that science has supposedly disproved God and threw in strawman fallacies (while accusing others of doing the same to them), that Christianity is a stumbling block to progress (I guess they should dishonor many scientists who are in fact, Christians, such as Francis Bacon), and that they are the epitome of science. However, their "science" is questionable at best. There's so much evidence for creationism yet they try to explain it away. Pastor Ray Comfort of Living Waters stated the sad truth that you can take the atheist to evidence but a hardened heart is a hardened heart. Do you remember the Pharaoh of the Exodus? He saw all the signs and wonders yet he still remained in the hardness of heart.
The evidence for God and creationism is everywhere yet atheists are too proud to believe it. Many of the best scientists are Christians or at least creationists. Louie Pasteur, though a Roman Catholic, stressed the fact that life can only come from life. Francis Bacon the pioneer of the scientific method was a Christian. Isaac Newton was a Christian. Yet, why do many atheists want to believe that you have to an atheist to be scientific? Why would they adhere to the famous quote of Dawkins' book "River Out of Eden" about the absence of purpose then try to condemn Christians for lying? Isn't that a really bad case of a double standard? They are contradicting themselves whenever they say that there's no good and no evil yet they condemn God and Christianity to be evil? Also, if the Bible is just a book of fables then why does it offend them that much? This has caused them to fall into diverse forms of foolishness while claiming themselves to be very wise. They are wise in their own eyes (Proverbs 12:15, 26:12).
It can get confusing if God hates sin when why did He give them up to enjoy their sinfulness? Somehow, one can continue to think that God doesn't violate free will. Not even the doctrine of Calvinism or unconditional election violates free will. God makes the unwilling, willing. He has given them for a reason just like He chose to harden the heart of the Pharaoh of the Exodus. I can call it God respecting your freedom to choose while letting the consequences take place by themselves or letting such people suffer His direct wrath sooner or later. You can talk about how people engage in bodily-destroying activities that science would otherwise dictate is not safe for one's body. They become so foolish that the simple facts of science are ignored. It's because they are ignoring the One who established all the scientific laws namely God Himself. Giving them up to be destroyed by their vile affection can be seen as a form of judgment because it will sooner or later be to their disadvantage.
It's so stupid how pro-homosexuality atheists claim to be very scientific yet simple biology states that there are two genders and that everything reproduces according to their kind. Yet, they want to believe that men and monkeys come from a common ancestor rather than a common creator. They even use atheistic evolutionary "science" (and funny that Charles Darwin and many of his disciples aren't atheists either) to justify homosexuality. If you study basic gender biology then you should know male DNA and female DNA are very different from each other. Yet, why do they insist that there are the third, fourth, etc. genders when there are only two biological genders? Gender is a state of mind? Not according to science!
The theme of the Book of Judges has been summarized as "Every person what was right in their own eyes." You can think the cycle of the Book of Judges is still here today. The same sin cycle happens over and over again. People sin, God delivers, people are delivered and the cycle repeats itself all over again. It's because of a new generation of people who aren't saved led to the sin cycle in the Book of Judges. Men are born fools whether you like it or not. Foolishness is bound in the heart of children and they must be taught wisdom. If men were born wise then the Book of Proverbs wouldn't have personified wisdom as a woman who cries out in the streets to be wise. Mankind always had a long history of making disastrous decisions because they're naturally foolish while having the tendency to think that they are so wise. The Bible demands true wisdom which can only be achieved by humility and not by arrogance. Arrogant people never learn because they aren't willing to learn. Only a humble heart can have an open mind to learn the wisdom of God. That can only be achieved by receiving Jesus Christ the Righteous Judge as one's Lord and Savior.
See also:
- Arthur W. Pink on Why Atheists Hate God
- Atheists Don't Want to Acknowledge God Because of Pride
- Atheist Media's Selective Outrage
- Atheists With Abusive Mindsets Do Exist
- Be Careful of Pseudo-Knowledge Promoted by Intellectually Dishonest People
- Brash Atheists Are Ungrateful People in Science!
- Christian Schools Should Teach the Scientific Evidence Against Evolution in Their Science Class!
- Common Sense Really Tells Atheistic Evolution is Impossible!
- Despite God's Warnings, Many Atheists Harden Their Hearts Like the Pharaoh of the Exodus
- Despite God's Warnings, People CONTINUE IN THEIR SIN
- Does Science Disprove God or Prove God?
- God's Law is For Our Protection!
- Homosexual Teachers' Method of Brainwashing Children
- Homosexual Sexual Activities and Their Dangers
- Homosexuality Creates Confusion in the Adoptive Family and This Picture Shows It!
- Homosexuals and Engaging in Sexually Promiscuous Behavior
- How Militant Atheism Actually Disrupts True Science!
- Isaac Newton's Quote on Atheism
- Jeffrey Dahmer's Tragic End Shows the Terrible Consequence for Saying That There Are No Absolutes
- Politically Correct People Need to Restudy the Basics of Gender Biology
- Refuting the Idea That Atheist Morality is Superior to Christian Morality
- Rich Atheists May End Up Finding Themselves in Hell Someday
- Satan Offers You Your Best Life Now
- Sorry, the Government Cannot Make Moral What God Has Declared Immoral
- The Hypocrisy of the Complete Tolerance Movement
- The Idea Homosexuality Harms No One is a Huge Lie From the Pits of Hell!
- The Practice of "Sex Change" Causes Confusion to Society!
- The Problem of Atheists Rejecting God's Word and Blaming God For the Consequences!
- Testimony of Former Atheist Lee Strobel
- Testimony of Pastor William Murray
- The Arrogant Atheist and Self-Deluded Stupidity!
- The FOOLishness of Atheism
- The Hypocrisy of the Complete Tolerance Movement
- The Theme of Judges: Every Man Did What Was Right in Their Own Eyes!
- There is One Place for Atheists Where There Will Be NO Christians- HELL!
- Thomas Heinze's Questions to Poke Fun at Evolutionists
- To the Atheist: God is Not a Cosmic Killjoy
- Why Evolution is NOT Science
- What's Wrong with Atheism?