Atheists With Abusive Mindsets Do Exist
It's a myth over the modern world that there's no such thing as an atheist with an abusive mindset. I can see atheists who claim that abuses only come through theism. I don't deny that there's such a thing as religious people with an abusive mindset such as Roman Catholic fanatics, Islamic extremists and any form of religious extremism. The problem of the claim is that it denies the reality that there's such a thing as atheists who have an abusive mindset. One such person is the late Christopher Hitchens who claims that he has the right o treat religion with ridicule, hatred, and contempt. Isn't that an example of an atheist with an abusive mindset? Sad to say, Hitchens himself is still cursing God from the pits of Hell. Christians should pray that Richard Dawkins wouldn't make the same wrong decision as Hitchens.
One horrible atheist blogger (who calls himself Human Ape) claimed he was indeed one of the most scientific people on Earth. I've also read another atheist blog where the writer himself frequently disgraces himself with his sinful behavior. Another atheist I met also mocked prayer as an act of delusion, that God is a fairy tale for adults and keeps calling anyone who's not an atheist to be stupid. He thinks Christianity is being idle and just spending time in prayer. Other atheists force their views down the throats of anyone who's not an atheist. They show their abusive behavior together with their use of foul language. Anybody reading through those materials has the right to answer if they ever kiss their loved ones with a filthy mouth. I won't link their blogs here to avoid giving them any more attention.
Secular history verifies that state atheism is indeed abusive. Try looking at atheist states and their abuses. Some good examples of dead atheists with an abusive mindset are Kim Il-Sung, Kim Jung Il, Mao Zedong, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Karl Marx, Margaret Sanger and Madalyn Murray O'Hair . While nobody has the right to consider all atheists to be like those people but historical facts prove that abusive atheists really do exist. Atheist totalitarian governments aren't any "better" than the Islamic states and Roman Catholic theocracies that they so despise. They are no different because they enforce their views through whatever means necessary.
See also:
One horrible atheist blogger (who calls himself Human Ape) claimed he was indeed one of the most scientific people on Earth. I've also read another atheist blog where the writer himself frequently disgraces himself with his sinful behavior. Another atheist I met also mocked prayer as an act of delusion, that God is a fairy tale for adults and keeps calling anyone who's not an atheist to be stupid. He thinks Christianity is being idle and just spending time in prayer. Other atheists force their views down the throats of anyone who's not an atheist. They show their abusive behavior together with their use of foul language. Anybody reading through those materials has the right to answer if they ever kiss their loved ones with a filthy mouth. I won't link their blogs here to avoid giving them any more attention.
Secular history verifies that state atheism is indeed abusive. Try looking at atheist states and their abuses. Some good examples of dead atheists with an abusive mindset are Kim Il-Sung, Kim Jung Il, Mao Zedong, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Karl Marx, Margaret Sanger and Madalyn Murray O'Hair . While nobody has the right to consider all atheists to be like those people but historical facts prove that abusive atheists really do exist. Atheist totalitarian governments aren't any "better" than the Islamic states and Roman Catholic theocracies that they so despise. They are no different because they enforce their views through whatever means necessary.
See also:
- Arthur W. Pink on Why Atheists Hate God
- Atheist Media's Selective Outrage
- Be Careful of Pseudo-Knowledge Promoted by Intellectually Dishonest People
- Brash Atheists Are Ungrateful People in Science!
- Christian Schools Should Teach the Scientific Evidence Against Evolution in Their Science Class!
- Common Sense Really Tells Atheistic Evolution is Impossible!
- Despite God's Warnings, Many Atheists Harden Their Hearts Like the Pharaoh of the Exodus
- Does Science Disprove God or Prove God?
- God's Law is For Our Protection!
- How Militant Atheism Actually Disrupts True Science!
- Isaac Newton's Quote on Atheism
- Jeffrey Dahmer's Tragic End Shows the Terrible Consequence for Saying That There Are No Absolutes
- Quotes from Darwin and Huxley That Might Shake Atheism's Foundation
- Refuting the Idea That Atheist Morality is Superior to Christian Morality
- The Problem of Atheists Rejecting God's Word and Blaming God For the Consequences!
- Testimony of Former Atheist Lee Strobel
- Testimony of Pastor William Murray
- The Arrogant Atheist and Self-Deluded Stupidity!
- The FOOLishness of Atheism
- The Hypocrisy of the Complete Tolerance Movement
- There is One Place for Atheists Where There Will Be NO Christians- HELL!
- Thomas Heinze's Questions to Poke Fun at Evolutionists
- To the Atheist: God is Not a Cosmic Killjoy
- Why Evolution is NOT Science
- What's Wrong with Atheism?