Atheist Media's Selective Outrage

It's no surprise that selective outrage is always part of sinful humanity's way of life. There's the selective outrage of liberal news media networks. There's the selective outrage of Roman Catholic mass media, Islamic media and just every other godless media. The atheist media is no different with its selective outrage. Prominent atheists manage to flood the Internet and there's too many to mention though my favorite examples are Richard Dawkins and the late Christopher Hitchens. They have their selective outrage though I'd like to talk more on what's commonly seen among them.

It's hypocritical for atheists to condemn Roman Catholicism and Islam for their use of force to spread one's religion and shove one's beliefs into their throats but ignore what atheism has been doing. They can say nobody does it in the name of atheism but is that true? It's doubtful considering historical evidence of atheist states and how they are actually forcing people to renounce their religion or die. Whether it was Mao Zedong's state atheism, the Kims in North Korea, Pol Pot in Cambodia you can be certain that they are linked with militant atheism. You had to conform to state atheism or else they will kill you. Atheist states have been known to establish a oneness of both their "church" and state where you had to be an atheist or you're outlawed. It's obvious double standard to hate religious theocracies brought by Roman Catholicism and Islam while loving state atheism. This also goes for saying that both Roman Catholicism and Islam have a lot to answer for all the while believing that there are no moral absolutes. 

They often condemn the Bible without even analyzing it in its full context. One of the worst things to come out as a result of atheism is called Skeptic's Study Bible and Evil Bible. These sites are among the worst attackers of the Bible. They say that the Bible approves of genocide, slavery and wife beating all because they don't take anything in context. If they read the Bible they will realize that God ordered the destruction of whole civilizations for their wickedness, commands masters to treat their slaves right and husbands to love their wives. It's hypocritical to criticize child sacrifice and human sacrifice all the while many of them support the sin of abortion or even think eugenics and racist atheists believe nothing is wrong with ethnic cleansing. The sin of abortion is no different than the infant sacrifices done to any pagan god. Murder is still murder no matter what the motive is. As the truth goes that those who criticize the Bible the most are those who study it least. 

What's the use of condemning Christians or any theist who is a scientist of intellectual dishonesty and close-mindedness when they are guilty of it themselves? There's the tendency to resolve to Ad Hominens (ex. You're a Christian and you can't be a scientist) as well as the use of red herrings, character assassinations and the strawman attack (ex. Misrepresenting Christians as brainless idiots who can't understand science). This is done when they are cornered. A theist would present much evidence of intelligent design and that mutations are not beneficial but they will still not listen. Even if some of them discover something that couldn't be a result of atheistic evolution but they still refuse to believe in intelligent design. Should I mention some people who atheists claim to be their own are not atheists? Both Charles Darwin and Thomas Huxley were not Christians, they brought the lie of evolution into science but they definitely weren't atheists. They should realize that almost every religion in the world easily buys into Darwin's theory and not just atheists. 

This is really the problem of atheism as a result of selective morality or altruism. They pick one part of morality when it's convenient and dump it when it isn't. It's safe to assume that it's okay for these guys to con people or to do anything evil as long as it's them or it's not done in the name of religion. None of them even dare to voice out about atheists trolling while they complain that they're being trolled by other religious fanatics. In the end, it's always been about them and them alone. So where's the complete tolerance now that many of them claim to have?

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