Please Pray to God to Give Wisdom to Your Authorities in the Midst of Any Crisis

The Coronavirus epidemic is no joke just like any crisis before or whatever will come after it. There are people today who would rather defy authority than submit to authority when need be. Easter Sunday may be coming tomorrow but the Coronavirus struggle is far from over. It's showing how sinful man has become and the consequences are piling up. There are some countries that are showing incompetence while others are showing competence in handling the crisis. Unfortunately, China is still persecuting Chinese Christians in the midst of the Coronavirus epidemic. However, Chinese Christians aren't planning to overthrow their current ruler Xi Jinping who is a tyrant. 

How would the Apostle Paul answer it? I hear Romans was written during the time of Emperor Nero. If it was written in 57 A.D. then Nero ruled then Paul was writing it during the reign of a tyrant. Who couldn't forget that Nero was a sexually depraved and incompetent ruler who nearly destroyed Rome? The Senate was right to legally pass Nero's death sentence. Yet, we don't read a single attempt by the Christians to overthrow Nero who was a dictator. Instead, they chose to follow the rules while defying Nero's rule against evangelism. They did civil disobedience over blatant rebellion. Nowhere did Paul encourage the Romans to overthrow Nero.

Instead, we read this in Romans 13:1-7 has Paul write the following instructions:
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. (KJV)

Just reading the verses above reminds me of David running away from ungodly Saul. David had every opportunity to strike ungodly Saul down. Instead, David said in 1 Samuel 24:6-10 that he would not raise his hand against Saul. David acknowledged that God anointed Saul. David could've struck Saul down in an act of revenge and became king. Instead, David patiently waited for the time that God would make him king. Suffering made David a greater ruler. I believe Christians were not called to rebel against Nero for the same reason. Why God allowed Nero to rule has a reason above in Heaven. Just remember that Satan must get God's permission first before he can do anything. Remember when Elisha was told to anoint Hazael as king over Syria to replace the ungodly Ben-Hadad? Remember when God anointed Jeroboam a wicked man to be king of the Northern Kingdom of Israel (1 Kings 19:5)? God has His reasons to allow Satan to raise men of evil to rule over nations. I believe God also had a reason to allow wicked men like Mao Zedong and Xi to rule China. I believe it was God who anointed both George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama. Steven Anderson should've prayed for Obama's salvation instead of the latter's damnation. Chinese church history has it that Mao's reign tried to suppress Christianity but failed. Instead, years of China's oppression only made the Christian churches in China stronger than weaker. I guess Chinese Christians wouldn't dare strike Xi because they know God allowed such a wicked man to rule over them. I guess Chinese Christians today are probably still praying for Xi's conversion or leaving him in the hands of God while doing their jobs.

Authorities today have that tremendous responsibility in the midst of the Coronavirus outbreak. Some people today just don't want to follow authority for their own good. It would be understandable if they defied authority for valid reasons. However, take note that in Daniel 3, we don't read Daniel's three friends disrespect King Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel's three friends Shadrach,Meshach, and Abednego respectfully declined the king's ungodly command and accepted the punishment. They were submitting to the king's authority by taking the punishment should they disobey an unreasonable mandate. In this case, if churches and all types of mass gatherings are withheld due to the virus' contagious nature then it's a reasonable thing to obey. If you're told to stay home during the times of an epidemic or even a war then stay home. There are times God told people to stay home. Isaiah 26:20 has God tell His people to stay at home because it was a time of disorder. I don't see anything unreasonable if there's a war and the government tells me to stay in the evacuation shelters. What becomes unreasonable is if Christians in the evacuation shelter are forbidden from doing their religious activities.

What authorities need from the people is cooperation. It's not enough for authorities to treat their subordinates with respect. In fact, it's a give-and-take relationship between masters and servants. Consider Ephesians 6:5-6, Colossians 3:22, Colossians 4:1, 1 Timothy 6:1, Titus 2:9, and 1 Peter 2:18 show the relationship between masters and servants. Take note that the Greek word used for servant here is doulos which means slave. Masters were required in Colossians 4:1 to treat their slaves justly and fairly similar to Exodus 21's rules on slavery. Slaves were owned while servants were hired. The Old Testament made a distinction between a man who gave himself up as a slave for six years and usually set freed on the seventh year (or became forever owned because he loves his boss). Exodus 21:26-27 makes it clear that injury is a good reason to lose one's authority over a slave. Masters are told to treat their subordinates properly. Subordinates are also required to treat their masters properly. If we expect society to be peaceful then we need authorities and people to follow just laws.

How can this be applied in the midst of any crisis? Masters should set up rules and systems to help govern people. Remember Jethro gave Moses in Exodus 18:17-26 rules on decentralization. Governments must properly delegate authorities (by choosing able men) to share those emergency powers in times of crisis. People themselves will also be required to submit to authority. If rules do anything wrong then they must correct for the sake of the ruler. That is, be like the prophets who corrected erring kings to lead them back in the right direction. Nathan came in 2 Samuel 12 not to derail David but to put him back on the right track. Elijah criticized Ahab's wickedness but never sought to overthrow him. Elijah corrected Ahab because the king's actions were leading Israel to wickedness. John the Baptist corrected Herod Antipas because he wasn't doing his job properly. Both sides must be ready to accept any constructive criticism due to them to succeed in pulling out of any crisis.

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