So You'd Rather Read Nostradamus' Prophecies Than the Bible During This Coronavirus Epidemic?

It's amazing at how sinful man will usually turn to anyone except God in times of crisis. Now, it's even alleged that Nostradamus supposedly "predicted" the rise of the Coronavirus. Now, we need to consider the real problem is how people easily get fooled by quack prophecies not just on April Fool's Day but whole year-round. Rather than turn to the Bible for comfort while waiting for answers - some people would rather read through the prophecies of Nostradamus instead. Ironic how people will say, that only man wrote the Bible. However, they will turn to the writings of man for answers. It's an unfortunate reality of self-contradiction that's observed on a daily basis.

In the book "Will The World End in 2012?" - we can read in the fourth chapter titled "The Predictions of Nostradamus". The book was available last 2012 when it was believed that the world (or for some, the Rapture) will supposedly end on that date. To note, Nostradamus himself is not a trustworthy source. The chapter specifies many "prophecies" and their alleged fulfillment. People tend to fear his prophecies for their supposed "accuracy". However, the problems with Nostradamus as revealed in that same book are as follows:
  1. Nostradamus was was into occult astrology based on spiritism and clairvoyance. The Bible clearly denounces "prophets" who use familiar spirits. How can you trust anyone who uses evil spirits to supposedly determine the future? If they got a prophecy right then it was because God allowed it like He did with Balaam and Caiaphas. Just because a false prophet can sometimes predict it right doesn't mean they can be trusted based on their actions. There is no such thing as Christian witchcraft. Witchcraft should always be viewed as a lifestyle evident of being unsaved.
  2. Nostradamus used "anagrams" which letters in a word are mixed up to avoid direct reference to someone important that he might offend. It is, however, difficult to think as to why Nostradamus would have done that to refer to events after his death. 
  3. The translations of Nostradamus' quatrains into other languages and even their compilation in French often evidence "willful manipulations". Nostradamus' writings often get muddled up as writers and editors try to make them "clearer" by changing them slightly. What becomes so amazing is that the editing happens so many times is it even well-preserved like the Christian Bible?
  4. A Nostradamus quatrain is described to be looking like an inkblot. Each person reading a Nostradamus quatrain can have different interpretations. It could be observed that much of the power of Nostradamus' quatrains come from obscurity. He could choose to write clearly but somehow chose not to.
  5. There is even a great deal of controversy about the 80 watercolor images. The book "The Prophecies of Nostradamus" contains them. It's said that maybe his son Cesar or someone else could have created them. 

So any alleged prophecy about Nostradamus regarding the Coronavirus must be rejected. People need to start reading the Bible instead of Nostradamus. If they want to learn more about its development then get updated with scientific news (though sadly, some science sites would rather believe Darwin's faulty doctrine of evolution). Nostradamus needs to be viewed as the Bible would call him - a false prophet!

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