Why I Believe That Global Goals Is a Bad Joke
Knowing that September 25, 2015 would be another signs of the times events that may further the world into the New World Order, where they hope that by 2030 they would have made the world a better place. If you ask me, I simply want to call it a bad joke because the more I read my Bible, the more I am convinced that this world may not last long especially that in the midst of singing "Heal the World", God is cut out of their worldly solutions.
Reading through Arthur Wellington Pink's "Another Gospel" I thought I might share a lot of these words to at least, make some points in why I really want to call "Global Goals" a joke. As long as this world remains in rebellion against God, it is heading forward to judgment. Luckily, the Elect of God will either die and go to Heaven or they will be taken away by the Blessed Hope. Here's some words that I believe will at least tell us of the last days:
When I think of those words from the excerpt, I was reminded of why I was laughed at for the idea that the late Michael Jackson is not of God. I'm so sorry to say but he is in Hell right now. I don't care if he's sang that song "Heal the World' but the whole song leads towards the New World Order and it's just a sample. The whole problem is that Satan himself can disguise himself as an angel of light (1 Corinthians 11:13) to where he can appear good and noble. Remember that the road to perdition is often paved with good intentions (Proverbs 14:12).
If there's anything worth addressing, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is in fact offensive to man. If you ask people about salvation, they usual answer is by good works or church membership. Whenever they answer both, they are offended when I tell them their good works are dead works (Isaiah 64:6) and that they are outsiders of the Church... you can be a church member in name but if you are not in Christ, you are an outsider of the Church. When John Calvin proclaimed outside the Church there is no salvation, he spoke of the Body of Christ. When you are not saved, any act of righteousness from the dead man is indeed a dead work, a good work is not good unless if it sprang out from a regenerate mind and only for the greater glory of God. A person can join an assembly of Christians but he or she is in reality, a sit-in and has never been a member of the Church, the Body of Christ.
When people say I don't show enough love, it's because I criticize their religion and I tell them that Jesus Christ is the only Way to the Father and that by nature, man is not basically good. For the worldly man, it's bigotry to preach the narrow Gospel of Christianity, that all other roads lead to Hell and with their pride, they believe that Heaven is for those who do their best, they want to take credit for the good works they do. For the world, the idea of good works springing by the grace of God and the sanctification of the Holy Spirit is most deplorable.
The very Canon Law of Roman Catholicism the Great Whore of Revelation also says of the idea of good works as a result of salvation as anathema to them:
In the name of love, people are told to tolerate damnable heresies, teachings that will drive them to Hell. Love is in fact confused with lust and tolerance of error when it is not. Whenever they say I fail to show Jesus' love when I preach to them that they are doomed to Hell and only He can save, they are in fact preaching another Jesus, another Gospel and another spirit (2 Corinthians 11:13-15) which are all counterfeits. To preach a Jesus that will tolerate all religions and to call all men children of God goes against Scripture. Did not Jesus say in John 8:44 that some are in fact, children of Satan and not of God and that in John 14:6 that He alone leads to Heaven? If they should ever read Jesus in full in the Scripture, they will realize that while He was loving and gentle, He was also firm when it came to Scriptural truth, that He was confrontational towards false prophets and that He would not tolerate error.
What these people also fail to realize is that as long as the total depravity of man exists, the problems such as poverty, hunger and disease will always be there. You cannot want freedom from the consequences of sin and still love sin. It's like playing with fire and not expecting yourself to be burned by fire or drink poison and expect yourself not to get ill. The problems of the world today are wrought because of sin. Remember that after the Fall of Man, the world was plagued with death, disease and suffering as a result of disobedience. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has never been to alleviating the fallen world's problems but for the salvation of man's soul.
When I think of why I really believe that this could be the last generation, much has already transpired. The Gospel is preached like never before, evangelism is happening at jet-age speed and Satan is moving fast because as Matthew 24:14 declares that the Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached around the world then the end will come. Even so, come Lord Jesus!
See also:
Reading through Arthur Wellington Pink's "Another Gospel" I thought I might share a lot of these words to at least, make some points in why I really want to call "Global Goals" a joke. As long as this world remains in rebellion against God, it is heading forward to judgment. Luckily, the Elect of God will either die and go to Heaven or they will be taken away by the Blessed Hope. Here's some words that I believe will at least tell us of the last days:
The "gospel" of Satan is not a system of revolutionary principles nor yet a program of anarchy. It does not promote strife and war (at least with each other, but it promotes strife and war against God, emphasis mine), but aims at peace and unity. It seeks not to set the mother against her daughter nor the father against is son, but fosters the fraternal spirit whereby the human race is regarded as one great "brotherhood". It does not seek to drag down the natural (sinful, emphasis mine) man but to improve and uplift him (just like Joel Osteen's feel good theology and note, he is an agent of the Jesuits).
It advocates education and cultivation and appeals to "the best that is within - it aims to make this world such a comfortable and congenial habitat that Christ's absence from it will not be felt and God will not be needed. It endeavors to occupy man so much with this world that he has no time or inclination to think of the world to come.
It propagates the principles of self-sacrifice, charity and benevolence, and teaches us to live for the good of others, and to be kind to all (but they ignore Christ as the source of these principles, emphasis mine). It appeals strongly to the carnal mind and is popular with the masses, because it ignores the solemn facts that by nature man is a fallen creature, alienated from the life of God, and dead in trespasses and sins, and that his only hope lies in being born again.
When I think of those words from the excerpt, I was reminded of why I was laughed at for the idea that the late Michael Jackson is not of God. I'm so sorry to say but he is in Hell right now. I don't care if he's sang that song "Heal the World' but the whole song leads towards the New World Order and it's just a sample. The whole problem is that Satan himself can disguise himself as an angel of light (1 Corinthians 11:13) to where he can appear good and noble. Remember that the road to perdition is often paved with good intentions (Proverbs 14:12).
If there's anything worth addressing, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is in fact offensive to man. If you ask people about salvation, they usual answer is by good works or church membership. Whenever they answer both, they are offended when I tell them their good works are dead works (Isaiah 64:6) and that they are outsiders of the Church... you can be a church member in name but if you are not in Christ, you are an outsider of the Church. When John Calvin proclaimed outside the Church there is no salvation, he spoke of the Body of Christ. When you are not saved, any act of righteousness from the dead man is indeed a dead work, a good work is not good unless if it sprang out from a regenerate mind and only for the greater glory of God. A person can join an assembly of Christians but he or she is in reality, a sit-in and has never been a member of the Church, the Body of Christ.
When people say I don't show enough love, it's because I criticize their religion and I tell them that Jesus Christ is the only Way to the Father and that by nature, man is not basically good. For the worldly man, it's bigotry to preach the narrow Gospel of Christianity, that all other roads lead to Hell and with their pride, they believe that Heaven is for those who do their best, they want to take credit for the good works they do. For the world, the idea of good works springing by the grace of God and the sanctification of the Holy Spirit is most deplorable.
The very Canon Law of Roman Catholicism the Great Whore of Revelation also says of the idea of good works as a result of salvation as anathema to them:
Canon 24. If anyone says that the justice (righteousness) received is not preserved and also not increased before God through good works but that those works are merely the fruits and signs of justification obtained, but not the cause of the increase, let him be anathema.
Canon 32. If anyone says that the good works of the one justified are in such manner the gifts of God that they are not also the good merits of him justified; or that the one justified by the good works that he performs by the grace of God and the merit of Jesus Christ (of whom one is a living member), the justified does not truly merit an increase of grace, and eternal life, provided that one dies in the state of grace, the attainment of this eternal life, as well as an increase in glory, let him be anathema.
In the name of love, people are told to tolerate damnable heresies, teachings that will drive them to Hell. Love is in fact confused with lust and tolerance of error when it is not. Whenever they say I fail to show Jesus' love when I preach to them that they are doomed to Hell and only He can save, they are in fact preaching another Jesus, another Gospel and another spirit (2 Corinthians 11:13-15) which are all counterfeits. To preach a Jesus that will tolerate all religions and to call all men children of God goes against Scripture. Did not Jesus say in John 8:44 that some are in fact, children of Satan and not of God and that in John 14:6 that He alone leads to Heaven? If they should ever read Jesus in full in the Scripture, they will realize that while He was loving and gentle, He was also firm when it came to Scriptural truth, that He was confrontational towards false prophets and that He would not tolerate error.
What these people also fail to realize is that as long as the total depravity of man exists, the problems such as poverty, hunger and disease will always be there. You cannot want freedom from the consequences of sin and still love sin. It's like playing with fire and not expecting yourself to be burned by fire or drink poison and expect yourself not to get ill. The problems of the world today are wrought because of sin. Remember that after the Fall of Man, the world was plagued with death, disease and suffering as a result of disobedience. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has never been to alleviating the fallen world's problems but for the salvation of man's soul.
When I think of why I really believe that this could be the last generation, much has already transpired. The Gospel is preached like never before, evangelism is happening at jet-age speed and Satan is moving fast because as Matthew 24:14 declares that the Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached around the world then the end will come. Even so, come Lord Jesus!
See also:
- How the "Just Be a Good Person to be Saved" Theology FAILS with God's Standards of Holiness
- Majority Votes DO NOT Change the Truth!
- Pope Francis I and Pushing "Unity"
- Problems with "Predicting" and "Computing Dates and Times"
- The Dangerous Heresy Of The "Love Gospel"
- This is HOW Hypocritical Those "Liberals" Are
- What's Wrong with the Ecumenical Movement?