Sealing the Bible from the Public

Isaiah 29:11-13 says "And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed which men deliver to one that is learned saying, Read this, I pray thee and he saith, I cannot for it is sealed. And the Book was delivered to him that is not learned saying, Read this I pray thee and he saith, I am not learned. Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth and with their lips do honor me but have removed their heart far from me and their fear toward Me is taught by the precept of men." Later Jesus said in Matthew 15:7-8 and Mark 7:6 about the verse earlier presented.

How true it is. Cults have managed to infiltrate and influence governments whether it be Roman Catholicism, Islam, atheism... WHATEVER to the point that in order to avoid losing influence, the Bible becomes a banned book to the public. It is "sealed" in the sense, nobody is allowed to ever open it. Why? If the Bible were opened, people will find out that they've been tricked and they will stop pledging blind obedience to their authorities.

I. How the book gets sealed

A good example would be the dark ages of the Roman Catholic Church. While claiming to be the true Church that Jesus built (and there are PLENTY of clowns out there defending her as the one true Church), however why would the Council of Trent demand themselves as the final authority?! First and foremost, it had become a crime for anybody to read the Bible. The Anabaptists who were prior to the emergence of the reformer Martin Luther were caught and executed brutally by the Inquisition for sharing the Word of God to the public. Nobody was allowed to teach the Scriptures without the papal authorization and following the writings of the early Catholic "church fathers" which by the way, most of their writings DO NOT agree with each other! To do so meant death. Another method used in order to confuse people were through the Catholic Bibles with various deletions and omissions that would cause people to doubt its accuracy and follow the Council of Trent instead of the Bible. This method of authority where only the council decides has been adopted also by other cults like the Ang Dating Daan, Iglesia ni Manalo, Kingdom of Quiboloy, Mormonism and the Watchtower Society to name a few.

II. How the unlearning happens

A good example would be the Communist governments. For example in China, Vietnam and Cambodia, the atheist governments have purposely restricted Western education to their people to avoid getting the Bibles read and prohibited the Bible from being printed in their local language, especially the learning of the English language. Based on my trip to China, I have noticed that most people hardly speak English so the Bibles had to be written in Chinese but still, it was being banned. Today Communism has infiltrated the governments of the world (thanks to the Jesuits as well) that has caused illiteracy to once again skyrocket and that people will not be able to properly read the Bible.

III. The Bible replaced by man's tradition

That becomes the ultimate result. This "fear" is not real, reverential fear but rather nothing but show business. Various cults have replaced the unchanging Word of God (and the New Testament will NO LONGER change as God made all the changes final, He alone had the right to repeal the ceremonial laws) with their own doctrines which keep changing. For example the Roman Catholic Church could not even decide on the dogmas like the immaculate conception of Mary, the practices of the church, whether priests are to marry or not, who the Rock is and so on to the point she ended up cracking and releasing her harlot daughters like the Orthodox churches, which too dictate their practices not from the Word of God. Only if they chose the unchanging Bible instead of the rewritten traditions!