Exposing the "Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan From Heaven" with its False Salvation Message

I have no doubt that apparitions do happen in the Bible BUT not all apparitions are from God.  In the Bible any apparition from God is in harmony with God's Word.  The problem with relying on apparitions over the Word of God it can lead to SERIOUS ERROR.  Now here's what according to the "Our Lady of Fatima" with the "seal of approval" from Rome will take a person to Heaven: (taken from pages 22-23) which was also recorded in the book "Messages from Heaven?" pages 159-160 to which I have highlighted important key points to show how contradictory to Scripture the apparition really is:
This devotion consists in 1) Going to Confession, 2) receiving Holy Communion, 3) reciting 5 decades of the Rosary, and 4) spending 15 minutes with Our Lady meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary - all with the intention of making reparations to her.
The Mediatrix of All Graces has promised at the hour of death, all graces necessary for salvation to those who faithfully practice this devotion for the First Saturday of any five consecutive months. (Note: The Confession may be made under the usual condition of 8 days before or after Holy Communion, provided that the person is not in the state of mortal sin when he receives Holy Communion.)...
One of the best forms of consecration for the average layman is to wear the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.  Sister Lucia has said that all Catholics should wear the Brown Scapular as part of the Fatima message... A person who wears this Scapular declares he belongs to Mary.  In return, the Mother of God has promised eternal life to those who die wearing this mantle... Wearing the Scapular serves as a constant reminder of one's personal consecration to Mary and of the necessity of imitating her virtues and heeding her requests.

This is a very sad reality.  While the average Roman Catholic who does not seek to search the Scriptures, instead relying on the Council of Trent as their final authority is really going to be in for a shock when they die realizing they are dead without Christ.  This is a very serious error that ecumenical preachers are embracing Roman Catholics as brothers and sisters in Christ proving again the incompatibility Roman Catholicism has with born again Christianity.  The problem behind this is that it is NOT even grace if salvation required works to either earn it or to keep it.  This is nothing more than a zombifying ritual where the average Roman Catholic has to go to the priest rather than take it directly to God (1 John 1:9), has to even believe that the host is actually the literal flesh of Christ which is plain cannibalistic in doctrine and all these devotions are full of MEMORIZED PRAYERS which are but vain repetitions that turn them into broken records.  In fact, it can be joked that in praying these prayers, why not record them with your MP3 player and play it on loop?

The problem with the Scapular also is this- how in the world CAN the Scapular guarantee eternal life?  Looking at what the Bible says on how eternal life is acquired, Jesus said in John 14:6 that He is the ONLY Way, the Truth and the Life- no man comes to the Father EXCEPT through Him which is also stated in the same way even in the Roman Catholic translations.  John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth IN Him should not perish but have eternal life."  In 1 John 5:13 it declares that those who believe upon the Name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ have eternal life. 

One thing I'd like to raise is how this is NOT even repentance but penance.  Repentance as defined is metanoneia or a change of mind.  Repentance of sin is when a person has a change of mind which RESULTS to a change of purpose about sin, from sin to the Savior.  Going to Communion, Confession, devotions are nothing more than religious penance never repentance.  According to "Just for Catholics" which the two are differentiated as:

Repentance and remission go together. As long as the sinner remains obstinate and without remorse, God will not forgive. Only when the sinner confesses his sin and turns to God, is he pardoned and reconciled. 
Repentance is an inner change; the word actually means a change of mind. Yet this inner conversion shows itself outwardly. Genuine sorrow for offending God is often expressed in prayer and fasting. Life is transformed. The selfish becomes generous and kind; the dishonest becomes just and true in his dealings with others. These are the "fruits of repentance" that John the Baptist spoke about (Luke 3:7-14) - the result and proof of true conversion. 
The good works that result from repentance are not reckoned as a punishment or a payment of the legal debt owned to God's justice. God forgives gratuitously, freely; God forgives on account of Christ’s sacrifice. Remission is in the name of Christ and not on account of anything we do. Our tears do not appease God's wrath but only the blood of Jesus. The repentant does not live a good life to merit forgiveness; he lives a clean and godly life because he is forever grateful to God's forgiving grace!

Sadly Catholic tradition distorts the biblical concept of repentance. Repentance is substituted by "doing penance" - a punishment inflicted on oneself to atone (make satisfaction) for sin.
To be fair, Catholicism also speaks of penance as an inner attitude - "that disposition of the heart in which we detest and bewail our sins because they were offensive to God." We readily concur that genuine repentance is expressed by sorrow, and such acts as prayer and fasting, and that repentance results in "fruit" - good works that grow out of a changed mind. 
The big problem with the Catholic doctrine is the intended purpose of such acts: penance is performed to make satisfaction for sin, as can be verified from the following citations from official Catholic sources: 
  • "Raised up from sin, the sinner must still recover his full spiritual health by doing something more to make amends for the sin: he must 'make satisfaction' for or 'expiate' his sins. This satisfaction is called 'penance.'" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1459).
  • Penance "is meant not merely as a safeguard for the new life and as a remedy to weakness, but also as a vindicatory punishment for former sins" (Council of Trent, 14:8).
  • "Satisfaction or penance is that prayer or other good work which the confessor enjoins on the penitent in expiation of his sins" (Catechism of Pius X, Sacrament of Penance).

Accordingly, even though a person is genuinely contrite and having confessed his sins, he is still required to atone for sin by performing various works of penance in this world and by suffering in purgatory after death. He is not fit to enter heaven until he has made complete satisfaction.
Source: Penance and Repentance <http://www.justforcatholics.org/a187.htm>

The difference can lie with the fruits.  Penance is definitely a result of repentance but NEVER a substitute for it.  A true convert does penance or good works out of gratitude to God, the fruit of true conversion.  However the Roman Catholic penance deviates from the biblical penance where this is man's effort, not God's grace and worse it can result to self-punishment.  It's no wonder why the Reformers were heavily persecuted.  Martin Luther's stand that salvation was by faith alone but not by a faith that is alone was jeered and rejected and when he stated that his penance and devotion to Mary failed, the more he was expecting to be burnt at the stake.  The problem is PRIDE.  The Roman Catholic institution like every other manmade religion that salvation is by works, not by faith.  In fact I can do all the good works I want for every bad deed that I did but it wasn't repentance, just a phony for show penance.  It's plain hypocrisy.  

I would like to share my story of how their penance is nothing more than a room for hypocrisy and license to sin.  I knew of a businessman who despite his adulterous ways was praised as a "good man" all because he was very religious and did some penance.  He was seen in prayer, praying the Rosary and yet at the same time he can be seen going to Mass with his mistresses.  While called a "good father" by the public, his affairs were so bad that it literally caused his family to dislike him or his wife to really rumble him in public.  In short, his penance didn't cure him of his adultery, it only gave him license to do so.  That is it implied that he can make up for his habitual adultery as long as he gave money.  If he repented of his sins, he would not be in habitual sin.  A Christian still sins but there is a difference between a Christian who falls into adultery vs. being a habitual adulterer.  The habitual adulterer unlike David and Solomon does not feel any remorse for their sin.  Solomon was repentant of having fallen into a state of sexual depravity in Ecclesiastes, David was truly repentant of his affair with Bathsheba which stands out against habitual adultery.  In fact 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 lists adulterous people as one of the signs of being fallen by grace.  No true Christian can think that they can revel in any habitual sins- they feel miserable in sin and desire to be free from it.  Also clearly James 2:10 is clear it only takes one sin to make a man damned to Hell without Christ which the Roman Catholic penance fails to address.