How Purgatory Becomes a Gold Mine Doctrine
While Roman Catholic apologists laugh at me because I donate my first fruits, I tithe and whatever saying that we Baptists are just conning people what about them? They say that the money paid by people are for the masses for the "poor souls" in Purgatory but the reality is, that's been a very nasty con job that has already been around since the dark ages and STILL CONTINUES until today. This has been a very, very cruel sham that has actually devoured widows' houses and for a pretense make long prayers. So far, here's what I have personally experienced myself: my great-grandfather has been dead for seven decades now and still they are offering masses for him... and in fact the more masses to be said, the higher it is paid. While every centavo I have been paying in tithes and offerings are used for SOULWINNING, CHARITY AND PREACHING THE GOSPEL TO THE LIVING, all these money actually are paid uselessly... it's been the greatest religious Ponzi scheme ever made. Doctrinally speaking, Purgatory is NOT Biblical considering this hard to face fact in Hebrews 9:27 that after a man dies, he is passed to judgment. No in-between and Roman Catholics NO MATTER how hard to say they believe that verse, the doctrine of Purgatory still isn't compatible with that verse!
Here's how it works. Basically a person dies so the Roman Catholic institution will have its doctrine say, "Well the person has committed some venial sins and must be paid off." or "Despite the number of charity he did, the fact he had a mistress, he still needs to have his sins paid in Purgatory." So it becomes simple- the richer the family, the more these "so-called" experts in the afterlife will pester the family. Then the family priest will say, "Well so and so still needs more prayers." which causes MORE AND MORE extraction. Sad but true but to the average Roman Catholic, the more money they pay, the more masses will be said. It even took place in the form of Indulgences or "forgiveness for sale" which soon got Martin Luther VERY ANGRY to nail the ninety five thesis to the wall of Wittenburg. Former Roman Catholic priest and a modern day Luther by the name of Anthony Pezzotta now a Baptist pastor wrote- "Unlike the Middle Ages, most indulgences appropriated today are not bought or sold directly. But many do involve monetary exchanges such as the purchase of images or prayer beads that are used for prayer and penance. The most blatant form of selling indulgences still being practiced today is the stipend received by the "church" to secure a mass for the living or for the dead. No priest is allowed to celebrate the sacrifice of the mass unless an intention/stipend has been given." Woah talk about that... it's really forgiveness for sale when in fact forgiveness is NOT for sale. Purgatory is an insult also to the finished work of Christ plus it's absolute blasphemy.
So they might argue that each indulgence actually costs USD 20.00 or in Philippine money we may get the estimate of PHP 810.00 or higher. The sad fact is also this as mentioned again by Anthony Pezzotta, "I have observed that wealthy Roman Catholics have many masses said for them in several different cathedrals after they die. I have observed that the poor do not. They simply cannot afford it!Do you think that a holy God would endorse such a scheme? How does such a practice reflect on the justice of God?" In fact, who's being the gold mine now? It's really sad to see how some average Roman Catholic priests and apologists still continue to defend such an evil practice. At least I DO NOT pay my tithes and offerings for useless stuff. As said, money CANNOT redeem the soul of the dead neither can prayers. It's a sad fact that this system still continues as a gold mine that can go more and more. In fact, Pastor Ruben L. Lumagbas even ran into the real sad fact a person has been dead for 92 YEARS and still masses are being said for the person's soul. Sad fact is, if the person has died without Christ then the person is in Hell and NO AMOUNT of masses will get any damned soul from Hell. People only burn for their sins in HELL, no not in Purgatory but in Hell forever. The reason why they don't really give a definite answer is so the masses can GO ON AND ON and the family will still keep paying up even when the person has been damned to Hell forever.