Using Santa Claus to Remind People to Keep Christ in Christmas is Pure Hypocrisy

This has got to be one of the biggest hypocrisies I've ever seen. Okay, it's already past December 6, 2017 (which is the traditional feast day of St. Nicholas for Roman Catholics) but I still can't help but get mad at this video. EWTN or Eternal Word Television Network even dares to use Santa Claus to remind us to keep Christ in Christmas. That idea is baloney since parents continue to lie to their children about Santa Claus giving them what they want during Christmas... only if they were good the whole year round. 

Here's Pastor Todd Friel of Wretched as he discusses about what's wrong with Santa Claus. I really listened to this video and I realize why I get mad whenever parents lie about Santa Claus. I was lied to about Santa Claus when I was still a child and I wonder what else have adults lied to me about. No, there's no Santa Claus. It should sicken me how Santa Claus is more popular to the world than Jesus Christ. When John Lennon said they became more popular than Jesus Christ himself - it was a sad truth that wicked people get more popular than the One who should get all the glory. 

So why is Santa Claus getting all the popularity? It's all about pride and greed. If you get a lot of stuff because you've been good all year then that's something to brag about. It's not that the Bible is against rewarding good behavior and punishing bad behavior but doing good works should be all about God. The problem is that Santa Claus theology teaches you that as long as you do good you get a lot of stuff from him. It's doing good works in exchange for material gifts instead of doing good works because it's the right thing to do. While there's nothing wrong with rewarding good works but doing good only for rewards is not right. On the contrary, Jesus taught that if you do good you may even lose a lot of stuff in this Earth while a great reward awaits in Heaven for those who suffer for His sake (Matthew 5:11-12). You do good because it pleases God and not because people will praise you for it.

It should also be mentioned that Santa Claus is a walking contradiction. If you do some research Santa isn't always used as an anagram for Satan even if they have the same letters. Rather, it's also used as a Spanish word for female saint like Santa Maria (St. Mary) or Santa Clara (St. Claire). If Santa Claus were supposedly derived from Saint Nicholas then why is he called Santa Claus instead of Santo Claus? Not to mention, if you teach that Santa Claus doesn't give naughty children presents then receiving something from him is no longer a present. A gift is not something you work for - it's given for free regardless whether you deserve it or not. A reward is something that you work for while a gift is freely given. Those two facts alone make the fictional character a walking contradiction. 

Right now, it's time to think about who is more important. Some jolly old man in a tight red suit who only comes but once a year (if he ever existed) or the Lord Jesus who was born to die for your sins? It's all about Jesus. Kick Santa Claus out and keep Christ not only in Christmas but for the whole year round.

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