
Showing posts from October, 2018

No Reformation, No King James Version

No Reformation then no King James Version should be a battle cry! I may be a Baptist, I still don't consider myself a Protestant but I'm no Baptist Brider, I'm somewhat of a King James Only-ist (even if many of my favorite preachers aren't and even Charles H. Spurgeon used what would be the English Standard Version today as an additional reference) because I don't trust any of the modern versions these days (because I believe all the 17 missing verses shouldn't be in the footnotes) but I would say one thing - the precious KJV wouldn't be possible without the Reformation! Okay, I agree that the Word of God preceded the KJV. The KJV is a translation of the Word of God. You had the Old Latin Bible which contained God's Word. Unfortunately, there's the Latin Vulgate which had some missing verses and that's what all was accessible (for the time being) to the Reformers. All Martin Luther had was a Roman Catholic translation for his time yet it led ...

The Reformation Still Matters Because Biblical Doctrine Taught Centuries Before the Reformation Still Matters

The Reformation has gone from its 500th year to its 501st year. There is one truth about Church history - you really need to study its important events to show that the gates of Hell can't prevail against the march of the Church! Though the Reformation is only 501 years old today no Christian can deny that there were already pre-Reformation Christians, that the true Church founded by Jesus Christ couldn't be the Roman Catholic institution and that the need for revival is always there. That's what the Reformation is all about - it's one of the many great events of 2000 plus years of the Church's history that boldly proclaims the truth in Jesus' name! Personally, I don't consider myself a Protestant and I don't agree with everything Martin Luther writes (and the early Reformers did believe Mary didn't have other children besides Jesus) because he's but human. I may be somewhat of a Calvinist now but only when it comes to accepting TULIP while ac...

Is it Wrong for Christians to Eat Animal Blood Dishes?

There is the controversy whether or not Christians are allowed to eat blood dishes. The controversy doesn't really spring too much from the Old Testament ceremonial restrictions (such as not eating pork while considering a kosher diet for health reasons can be accepted) but from Acts 15:28-29. So what was really going on? There was some problems between Gentile believers and Jewish believers. As it was seen, Jewish believers may have no longer been trusting the Law but they are still believing in certain ceremonial laws such as medical circumcision and not eating foods banned in Leviticus 11. On the other hand, Gentiles were probably too used to eating crustaceans and pork which were not eaten by the Jews for some time. There is the problem that the Jews may have thought that the Gentiles were doing such practices in the spirit of Antinomianism or that salvation is a license to sin. However, the Bible has Jesus saying in Mark 7:19 that it's not what comes on the inside but ...

The Ideomotor Effect is Also Involved in Divination Methods

I remember about the time that I actually tried to dabble with the occult, trying to contact the dead but did the coin or the piece of glass move? The Bible really did record an instance of divination where Saul asked the Witch of Endor in 1 Samuel 28. It's no joke that the Bible does talk about any attempt to talk with the dead which can consult with demons. However, there are times where there was no evil spirit involved but rather there is the ideomotor effect. How does the ideomotor effect work? Here's how it is defined by BBC : Ouija board cups and dowsing wands – just two examples of mystical items that seem to move of their own accord, when they are really being moved by the people holding them. The only mystery is not one of a connection to the spirit world, but of why we can make movements and yet not realise that we're making them.  The phenomenon is called the ideomotor effect and you can witness it yourself if you hang a small weight like a button or a r...

It's Been Several Years Already Yet Masses for the Dead Still Keep Going On and On?

It's really no coincidence that Reformation Day should hit on Halloween which is the night before All Saint's Day leading to All Souls' Day which is just a few days from now. What's the real problem there? I think of the situation of how somebody was dead last 1978 and now it's 2018 and how somebody was dead during World War 2 yet masses are still said for the eternal repose of said soul. While Roman Catholics do admit that Hebrews 9:27 is in their doctrine - however they do add the idea that Purgatory is needed for those who have died in the grace of God to wash away whatever "venial sins" there is. This is the big idea of Purgatory - it's a continuous goldmine for the Roman Catholic institution! Their idea of salvation starts with infant baptism, doing one's first confession, receiving first communion, receiving confirmation and the last rites. But these do not come free - they all demand a fee. In fact, the late Baptist preacher and former R...

Boogeyman Parenting is Still Lying to Your Children

I remembered that I was lied to about the boogeyman and worse when I confronted my elders about it - they decide to excuse it as a little "white" lie. Does the Bible really justify "white lies" over "black ones". It's really proof of double standard when parents are allowed to lie to their children while complaining why their children are such liars. Again, parenting starts with example and if Santa Claus isn't the only star in parental lying then you've got the boogeyman. Where does the boogeyman fit into Proverbs 22:6 parenting? The answer is clearly no. Parents try to use the boogeyman to scare their children into good behavior and Santa Claus to reward their children for their good behavior. It's stupid to say, "I never taught you how to lie!" Then the child says, "What about the boogeyman? You said you'd never lie!" Then the parent once again makes the excuse, "That was just a little white lie? Who told...

The Heresy That Priests Save Souls Unto Salvation Makes Easy, Filthy Money

Priests save souls! How many times have you heard that lie over and over again? It's the same heresy of the Roman Catholic institution who has pretended for centuries to be the true Church founded on 33 A.D. yet it places itself above the Bible. You even have the Roman Catholic saying that Jesus didn't build a Bible but a Church. But the question is by what means do we have the source of authority to dictate Church tradition? Unfortunately, rejecting Sola Scriptura or that the Bible should have the final say in the matters of Church's traditions and doctrines has led to several heresies. Blessed St. Peter never declared himself to be a universal bishop in Acts 2, he never declared himself to save souls nor endorsed his fellow apostles to do so but only preached what could save souls. So why do these arrogant Roman Catholic priests or pharisees even claim now that they also help save souls or that they are even necessary for administering saving grace to lost sinners? I ...

The Need for Reformation Against Profit-Driven Churches

The Reformation is remembered to have been started by two major events - the 95 Theses of Martin Luther and him burning the indulgences. The whole slogan of the Roman Catholic institution was that when a coin in the coffer clings - a soul from Purgatory springs. The Roman Catholic heresy said that Purgatory though it wasn't a second chance for people who died without grace. Rather it was taught that those who died in the grace of God must still be cleansed in Purgatory for their sins. In short, anyone who died in the mercy of God must still burn off their sins which isn't biblical. The death of Jesus on the cross is sufficient for sin so there's no need for Purgatory. The whole business of Purgatory allowed so much ill-gotten money for the Vatican throughout the centuries. This reminds me of how often masses said for the deceased faithful last for decades or even centuries. Every sacrament received required money! The problem of being a profit-driven church is not exclusi...

Don't Be Satisfied with Certain Status Quos in Your Church History

Last year of October 31 was the 500th anniversary of the blessed Reformation as part of the long events in Church history. The Reformation proved that the gates of Hell can't prevail against the true Church. Roman Catholicism pretended to be that true catholic church founded by Jesus Christ when it wasn't. How could such an institution claim that it gave the world the Bible when in reality it forbade it? Yet today, the average Roman Catholic is purposely left ignorant of these historical facts and fed with fear and false assurance. Now, it's already the 501st anniversary of the Reformation and the truth is still marching on! So should the Reformation stop at 500? Should the Christian church stop at 2000 when it reached 2000? The answer is no - the Church should never be satisfied with the status quo! The true Church was founded on 33 A.D. and I'm not talking about the Roman Catholic institution. I'm talking about the holy apostolic Church that has the Scriptures a...

The Role of Teachers in the Christian Education System

There's a saying that a pastor is both a teacher and preacher of the Word of God. Yet, the Bible mentions of teachers and pastors as two separate offices in Ephesians 4:11. 1 Corinthians 12:28 that God first sent apostles, secondarily prophets and third teachers to help handle the Church. The pastor is there to teach and preach the Word of God. However, the pastor is not alone in being a teacher in carrying that task. The Bible in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 that a bishop (pastor) should be the husband of one wife - the woman can't be a husband and a man can't be a wife. Women can still be given authority to become teachers in the church such as those who counsel exclusively to women's needs, teach Sunday school and be schoolteachers. We read in the Bible of women in the ministry such as Miriam, Deborah, Huldah and Anna. They were termed as prophetesses or female prophets. However, we have to consider that Miriam's rebellion and challenge of Moses' authority didn't ...

Would You Give Away Some Reese's Chocolates Accompanied by Gospel Tracts to Lost Souls Asking for Some Candy This Halloween?

Happy first day of October! Last year was the celebration of the 500 years of the Reformation. Now it's the 501st anniversary of said event. But take note that before the Reformation that there were already many Christian groups who opposed the so-called "true church" that claimed to have been founded on Jesus Christ but is ran by unbiblical, manmade traditions! That institution called itself Catholic or universal. Today, it's also known as the Roman Catholic institution! No, Jesus wasn't its founder and neither did Peter become the first Pope! It's really a matter of huge controversy of Christians and Halloween. Some say it's okay while others say it's not. Personally, I don't want to be celebrating Halloween because I don't want people to dress up as practitioners of the occult. Let's consider why Christians shouldn't be celebrating Halloween like the world does. Why would you let your children dress up as ghouls and demons or any...