The Doctrine of a Homosexual Jesus is Plain Outright Heresy
Pride month may be over but the homosexual pride has just begun. It's no surprise that more and more entertainment companies are giving in to the pressure of idiotic Social Justice Warriors (SJW) to comply with their "tolerance". A good example is how Disney a company that's supposed to cater to children (though don't expect this blog to go full Jesus-is-Savior mode in regards to this) has been putting more and more homosexuality references. There are many cartoons today that make homosexual as normal. It's no surprise considering that an unsaved person is prone to accept almost anything. We've got heretical religious doctrines that try to justify homosexuality as "normal" such as reincarnation. So, should we even be surprised that some homosexuals now teach a homosexual Jesus? Note that I don't like using the word gay for homosexual males. Gay is supposed to mean happy or it doesn't always mean a male homosexual but a guy who is a coward.
I remembered while I was still a Roman Catholic - the parish priest did the right thing by actually petitioning against the said planned film. It was during the 1990s when homosexuals wanted to justify their homosexuality with a movie that depicted Jesus as a homosexual. Fortunately, said movie didn't come to pass but I'm just prepared for the fact that it will. The signs of the times are there. There are already pro-homosexual churches. A Baptist church in Alabama even disgustingly performed a same-sex marriage with a female pastor. The United States of America has legalized same-sex marriage. Taiwan became the first Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage just a few months ago. You can imagine the mess that's emerging!
I remembered while I was still a Roman Catholic - the parish priest did the right thing by actually petitioning against the said planned film. It was during the 1990s when homosexuals wanted to justify their homosexuality with a movie that depicted Jesus as a homosexual. Fortunately, said movie didn't come to pass but I'm just prepared for the fact that it will. The signs of the times are there. There are already pro-homosexual churches. A Baptist church in Alabama even disgustingly performed a same-sex marriage with a female pastor. The United States of America has legalized same-sex marriage. Taiwan became the first Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage just a few months ago. You can imagine the mess that's emerging!
The idea of a homosexual Jesus would really destroy all credibility. Do you remember when Jesus said in Matthew 5:17? He said that He came to fulfill the Law and not to destroy it. The Old Testament ceremonial law may be long gone but homosexuality is still condemned in the New Testament. Jesus would be violating the Law if He were a homosexual. Some of these degenerates and pro-homosexuality crowds say that the Lord was a homosexual because He never married. Wait, what? Does being unmarried mean a person is a homosexual? A celibate is not necessarily a homosexual. A Roman Catholic priest isn't necessarily a homosexual either. A Roman Catholic priest's sexual immorality isn't purely limited to homosexuality as many cases also involve incest, premarital sex, having multiple sex female sex partners, and adultery with other people's wives.
Worse, you've got some idiotic preachers like Matthew Vines trying to justify homosexuality all over again. He even tries to use the Greek and commits many logical fallacies. He begs the question and "reading" a text that isn't there. Also, I heard that some homosexual "churches" even deny the Deity of Christ or some will teach a Mother God or that the Holy Spirit is female. It's just outrageous where they get their doctrines. They carry a Bible but misread even obvious context. There are even some modern translations that are pro-homosexuality such as the Queen James Bible. With this in mind - it's no surprise that the teaching of Jesus being a homosexual when He isn't is spreading like wildfire!
Worse, you've got some idiotic preachers like Matthew Vines trying to justify homosexuality all over again. He even tries to use the Greek and commits many logical fallacies. He begs the question and "reading" a text that isn't there. Also, I heard that some homosexual "churches" even deny the Deity of Christ or some will teach a Mother God or that the Holy Spirit is female. It's just outrageous where they get their doctrines. They carry a Bible but misread even obvious context. There are even some modern translations that are pro-homosexuality such as the Queen James Bible. With this in mind - it's no surprise that the teaching of Jesus being a homosexual when He isn't is spreading like wildfire!
Fortunately, the Lord Jesus is offering forgiveness and new lives to homosexuals. I heard of a report where Christians embraced homosexuals who were disowned by their families. They offered love and forgiveness to homosexuals who have long hated them. They continued to risk their necks and didn't return evil for evil but evil with good. The Lord Jesus offers forgiveness even to homosexuals who have taught that He is one. The door is still open as long as a person is still alive in this world.
See also:
- Allow Same Sex Marriage and Other Sexual Perversions Will Get Legalized as Well
- Christians Are Called to Lovingly Warn Homosexuals, Not to Hate or Massacre Them
- Christianity and World AIDS Day
- Congratulations to Manny Pacquiao For Speaking the Truth About Homosexuality
- Don't Even Think About Legalizing Prostitution or Sex Trade
- Homosexual Teachers' Method of Brainwashing Children
- Homosexual Sexual Activities and Their Dangers
- Homosexuality Creates Confusion in the Adoptive Family and This Picture Shows It!
- Homosexuals and Engaging in Sexually Promiscuous Behavior
- Homosexuals Are Causing Serious Confusion to Society
- Legalized Prostitution and Same Sex Marriage is Returning Sodom to the World
- No Amount of Biotechnology Will Get A Man Pregnant!
- Politically Correct People Need to Restudy the Basics of Gender Biology
- Pro-Homosexuality Media's Selective Outrage
- Sin's Wages Aren't Always Paid Immediately
- Some TERRIBLE Facts About Sex Change Homosexuals Need to Know
- Sorry, the Government Cannot Make Moral What God Has Declared Immoral
- The Hypocrisy of the Complete Tolerance Movement
- The Idea Homosexuality Harms No One is a Huge Lie From the Pits of Hell!
- The Practice of "Sex Change" Causes Confusion to Society!
- This Picture Shows All "Sex Change" Does is Change the Appearance But Not the Biological Gender