Communists Are Seeking to Infiltrate and Destroy Christian Education

Communism isn't always obvious about its motives. It's like the Rider of the White Horse in Revelation - it comes in peace but it doesn't. Daniel 8:25 warns that the Antichrist will destroy not by war but by false peace. A false sense of peace has been one of the most obvious weapons of the communist revolution. People want peace while they reject the true Prince of Peace - the Lord Jesus Christ. They have invaded many areas of life such as education and the media. They have a hold on public schools. Some Roman Catholic schools have become breeding ground for communist parties too. Some of the best Communist masterminds graduated from prestigious Roman Catholic universities aside from those who graduated from high-standard government-owned universities. However, they know that there's still Christian education as a huge stumbling block. Communists are never the type to go down without a fight!

How can they seek to destroy Christian education? The methods would involve the usual infiltration or if all else fails - then destroy the said establishment. It was already revealed last December 22, 2015, that Kim Jung Un from North Korea actually uses false church ministers. Emperor Nero himself also set trapdoor churches in the quest to eradicate Christianity aside from using obvious bloody displays to intimidate the public from ever converting to Christianity. Many Roman Emperors after Nero would later study his methods. But these methods weren't always by Nero's considering that Judas Iscariot would later betray Jesus to the Pharisees.

From Bible Believers, we can read this entry called "The Techniques of Communism: INVADING EDUCATION". Here's an excerpt that would probably give one an idea on how it works:
This method must be thoroughly understood. If it is not constantly kept in mind, the Red techniques of entering education and influencing its course will be completely missed. Those who contend that Communists should be permitted to teach in our schools "as long as they do not teach Communism openly in the classroom" have not acquainted themselves with the ABC of Red infiltration. And yet, the late Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio, who represented a considerable section of conservative opinion, has made this grave error.  
In the classroom, the Communist teacher or professor very rarely, if ever, teaches Marxism-Leninism openly. There are hundreds of indirect ways of reaching the same end. Books by Howard Fast, the author who has refused to state whether or not he would fight against Communists if drafted, are proposed as suggested or recommended readings. The works and statements of many other "authorities" who invariably take a pro-Soviet position, such as Professor Frederick L. Schuman of Williams College, can be freely used. The Red instructor has many other "non-Communist" sources to draw on-those leading figures in public life who always follow the Communist line and whom Stalin has designated as the "reserves" the conspiracy should call upon. An entire syllabus which would inevitably lead a student either to embrace Marxism-Leninism or to be sympathetic to the Communist line, can be drawn up without one notably or openly Stalinite reference in it. 
Building on that foundation, the Communist teacher or professor notes the pupil or student most susceptible to pro-Red ideas. This student is cultivated privately, with a view to drawing him toward the conspiracy. In like. manner, colleagues on the faculty who indicate sympathy for pro-Communist ideas are influenced by personal association to join the Communist Party. The influence of the teacher who is committed to Marxism-Leninism goes far beyond these con tact into parent-teachers associations (often working behind the scenes with Communists in those groups), in the preparation of books, the presentation of lectures, the voicing of opinions, the raising of finances for the conspiracy. 

How can Christian education be caught in the dead-end of Communist infiltration? What if they would allow a Communist to teach as long as they aren't teaching Communism? This would be a great fatal mistake like King Jehoshaphat allowing an alliance with the wicked House of Ahab - a mistake that nearly destroyed his family because of his godless daughter-in-law Athaliah. King Solomon's wicked alliance with pagan women wrecked the revival that he placed in the land. What makes you think that hiring a teacher who's an obvious Communist to teach in a Christian school is not a bad idea? That's very different from hiring a former Communist turned Christian to teach in a Christian school. This can also be fatal when a school refuses to fire a teacher who turns out to have Communist connections from the said education system. It's because not everyone who attends a Christian school is a Christian - just like being in a garage doesn't make you a car. If not everyone who enrolls in a Catholic school is a Catholic then the same rules apply for Christian schools.

I think these Communist teachers in Christian schools can their ways to make sure they keep their jobs. A very obvious method yet hard to prove is the use of blackmail. You can think of a biology teacher (who's now attempting to teaching Darwinian evolution as fact) taking advantage of the teenager's desire to pass secondary education. They would probably use blackmail to threaten them that if they were questioned that they could get reported to the disciplinary office. Some of them are very good actors and actresses. They may have been questioned nicely but they can beat themselves up and lie that the student defied them. They can also slowly set up fake witnesses with students in Christian schools who are prone to Communist idealism. This kind of method can slowly but surely silence Christian students from ever getting that Communist teacher fired. They can also get the trust of the administration, pretend to be a Christian, all the while the actions prove otherwise.

The best way to crush Communism away from Christian education is to remain firmly rooted in the Word of God. Don't just believe something just because the teachers said it because the Bible says to investigate everything. Look for obvious signs that the teacher is a Communist when allegations start to float. If he or she is a Communist then remember that such people are still your mission field. Get these Communists exposed to the Word of God first. Have Bible studies for teachers because the next person to be saved might be a Communist infiltrator. Remember some Christian converts also came out from Communism. Communism is of the Devil but the Bible is stronger than any Communist manifesto. Don't hire teachers who know are obviously Communists but reach out when you figured out that he or she is a Communist. Fire these Communist teachers who are guilty of using abusive mind control methods but don't forget to pray for the person even after he or she is terminated from said post.

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