Will Politically Correct People Please Make Up Their Minds?

Political correctness is no doubt a growing phenomenon. It's very often to hear someone automatically react and say, "You're not being politically correct!" A good response would be to say, "Why thank you! I don't want to be a person who can't make up his or her mind because that's what political correctness is!" Indeed, political correctness is a movement that seeks not to offend anyone and just to try and please everyone. Trying to please everyone is a surefire recipe for a huge failure that you could've been avoided!

Here are a few ways that you may observe with how politically correct people just can't make up their minds:
  • You have members of the Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, and Transgender (LGBT) Community. Christians are accused of bigotry even if they helped them in the bombing of a gay bar incident. However, they still consider a call against homophobia never mind that Muslim countries are very much intolerant and hateful against people struggling with homosexuality. Some of them would forbid a Christian wedding cake to be baked from their bakeshops. The Christian doesn't sue and simply leaves. However, a Christian would have to bake their wedding cake even if he or she simply refuses to and calls it discrimination. 
  •  You have the feminists who are also very self-contradictory. Women have the right to hit a man but a man shouldn't hit a woman. Where is gender equality now? Why is it that I don't hear feminists who are complaining about men pretending to be women? A recent case of a transgender "woman" assaulting a 10-year old girl (that man must have been a bisexual pedophile) just happened. So where are the feminists defending the real victim? I thought they were for women's rights!
  • You also have the anti-Islamophobia liberals. You have housewives who think that nothing is wrong with Islam while they complain that their husbands are having mistresses or are beating them up. You have Christians getting discriminated on a daily basis for preaching John 14:6 yet there is no problem with allowing Muslims to force their doctrine in public schools. So why are Bibles banned and the Koran is allowed? A Christian speaks against homosexuality but gets barred. However, a Muslim who widely declares his hatred for homosexuals gets invited to speak in an American public school. 
  • You also have liberal atheists in their standards. They want creationism to be kicked out from schools. They say that they are tolerant so why aren't people allowed to learn the differences between creationism and atheistic evolution? This was really the problem of the movie "Inherit the Wind" which twisted of the facts of what really happened at the infamous Scopes Monkey Trial. They just want their side to be heard but not the other! There's also an atheist cyberbully (who is probably a homosexual himself since he keeps defending LGBT marriage and says it has a positive effect on society) I discovered a long time ago who cries he's being cyber-bullied when people disagree with him while he forces people to accept his atheistic views.
  • You have the pro-abortion crowd with their inconsistency. Some of them are atheists who decry child sacrifice. They call it barbaric and inhumane. Yet they support abortion to be a woman's right. What makes a woman who has her unborn child aborted to a woman who takes her child to be offered as a sacrifice to a pagan priest? If they say that the unborn child isn't human then they really don't value scientific knowledge. Science proves that the fetus is very much alive!
  • You have anti-spanking advocates who call it child abuse. They have no problem whenever the U.S. Child Protective Services (CPS) arrests a mother who is just doing her job while letting real child abuse slide. You see children getting taken away from their parents and how often do you hear these anti-spanking advocates speak out? 
  • You have people who say that abortion isn't murder because life doesn't begin after birth. That's unscientific because the heartbeat can already be felt on a living fetus. So they want to condemn a person for double homicide for killing a pregnant woman but they have no qualms about declaring abortion as not an act of murder? Wait, didn't they just declare it double homicide to kill a pregnant woman? So can they make up their minds whether or not an unborn baby is a living being? 
  • There is a battle for some politically correct people to legalize dangerous drugs or narcotics. However, some of them would try to falsely pin down some of their enemies as having been associated with the narcotics they so want to legalize. If dangerous drugs like crystal meth and cocaine should be legalized then why are they wanting to pin down people hoping to get them convicted for drug-related charges?
  • Roman Catholic apologists also tend to have a lot of inconsistencies. It's common to observe one of them says "There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church!" but ends up saying, "You can work your way to Heaven outside the Catholic church!" in the next moment. You may also consider the bad habit of sensationalizing pastors' sins while hiding the sins of their priests who they believe are necessary for their salvation. 
  • Not to mention you have the complete tolerance movement. You ask people to tolerate everyone but why aren't Christians even allowed to speak their part?! What happened to their claim that they protect free speech from hate speech? Do they even realize that religions tend to clash with each other a lot? 

It's very confusing, isn't it? Their logic is very self-contradictory. They just change their minds whenever it's convenient or what? Why don't they tolerate Christians to speak their part in the name of free speech? I guess free speech for them is you can say anything you want as long as it doesn't offend anyone. Telling the offensive truth is hate speech because for them as long as you're offended then you must be right. Many times today, the whole agenda of political correctness is "I'm offended!" and you may automatically get the right to sue. They just love to play the victim whenever they are offended. In short, they believe that being offended in any shape or form automatically makes them right even when the so-called offender was in the right.

This s what the Bible calls as the double-minded person (James 1:8). Politically correct people are double-minded. They may identify themselves as liberals but Isaiah 32:5-8 says that the vile shall no longer be called a liberal. I don't even want to use the word liberal to describe them. It's because they just use the word to hide their vileness. The vile person is also described to be a hypocrite. A hypocrite is not only a person who is pretentious. A hypocrite is also one who says this but does the opposite or one who engages in the fallacy of double-standard. A double standard is a rule or principle that is applied differently and unfairly.

They just have no clear stand and they take a stand only when it conveniences them considering that fallen humanity has very selfish tendencies. They could care less if they contradict themselves as long as it conveniences them!

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