Franklin Graham Hypocritically Speaks Against LGBT While He Supports the Vatican
It's no surprise that according to Lifesite News - Franklin Graham got barred from the third UK Stadium. Before anybody claps their hands for joy and say, "Blessed are those persecuted for the sake of righteousness." needs to consider his stance. He and his father Billy Graham have already been known for their associations with the Popes. It's no secret that Billy Graham, like his good friend the late Martin Luther King, also had affairs with the Popes. The late John Paul II even shocked the world by embracing Billy Graham as his brother in Christ. Franklin Graham would continue the same unequal yoke his father had begun in their family.
Wait, isn't the Roman Catholic institution supposedly against the LGBT movement? Well, at least openly but not inwardly. Jesus already spoke of the Pharisees' hypocrisy in Matthew 23. The Pharisees say and do not. The Pharisees are beautifully decorated tombs but are full of dead men's bones. There are many skeletons in their closets and it may also be literal. You can consider the history of cover-ups of sexual immoralities between priests and nuns of the Roman Catholic institution. Many times, underground abortions are done to cover up any possible lovechildren between priests and nuns. Then you have another skeleton in the closet of the Vatican namely homosexuality in the clergy. It's stupid to preach against the LGBT, say you reach them out for Jesus, then sinfully embrace homosexual priests and nuns as brothers and sisters in Christ?
The Roman Catholic priesthood is a perversion of the Biblical priesthood. How many times do I need to tell them that 1 Corinthians 7:31-35 is not about priestly celibacy? How many times do I need to stress Jeremiah's call for celibacy was exclusive to him but not to the priesthood? 2 Timothy 3:1-3 states that one of the doctrines of demons is enforced celibacy. The Roman Catholic priest is said to save souls because according to the late Theresa of Calcutta - they are supposed to be "another Christ". The enforced celibacy has made it very easy to hide homosexual priests. Their perverted priesthood with enforced celibacy is nowhere in the Bible. I heard a huge number of Roman Catholic priests and nuns are either lesbians, gays, or bisexuals though I haven't heard of a transgender priest or nun yet. Regardless, that's what happens when you don't stick to the Bible!
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