Some Roman Catholic Fanatics Deny to Death That the Late Billy Graham Was an Ally of the Vatican
It's a sad thing to think of Billy Graham's death. I really stopped supporting him years ago because of his unequal yoke with Rome. Now, I also remembered a couple of debates turning ugly I had with self-appointed Roman Catholic apologists. I ran across a Facebook page called "Buang Again" (and buang means crazy or insane in English) where they made some of the most absurd claims. Aside from lying that the born again Christian worship service is a Sunday concert - they even lied that the late Graham is the supposed founder of Born Again Christianity.
This puts them in a major pickle for several reasons. I remembered watching a documentary on John Paul II from a Catholic point of view. The same video said that it did shock some people that John Paul II called Graham as the former's brother in Christ. Graham even called Pope John Paul II as the unquestionably most influential voice of morality. This would put Roman Catholic fanatics in a pickle unless they conveniently ignore the facts as they adore John Paul II's documentary without considering the context.
I don't know if these Roman Catholic fanatics who oppose Graham should contest the Catholic Herald dated June 3, 1966 because it called Graham as "friends... among the Jesuits." The same idiotic Facebook page also said that the born again Christian idea was only conceived in the 1970s while Graham was called a friend of the Jesuits last 1966. If they tell me to just trust their sources because other sources are supposedly "tainted by Satan" then they better explain why the Catholic Herald praised Graham as a friend of the Jesuits.
Whether those Roman Catholic fanatics like it or not - they are really in the wrong if they think Graham wasn't even in league with the Vatican. No, he wasn't even anti-Vatican either. He was a faithful friend of Rome, the Pope, the Jesuits and continued to endorse false unity between Protestants and Roman Catholics - never mind the whole bloody history of Roman Catholicism with how it destroyed not just Protestant Christians but also other Christian groups prior to the Reformation. No true man of God would ever think that Roman Catholicism and born again Christians can even walk together.
See also:
This puts them in a major pickle for several reasons. I remembered watching a documentary on John Paul II from a Catholic point of view. The same video said that it did shock some people that John Paul II called Graham as the former's brother in Christ. Graham even called Pope John Paul II as the unquestionably most influential voice of morality. This would put Roman Catholic fanatics in a pickle unless they conveniently ignore the facts as they adore John Paul II's documentary without considering the context.
I don't know if these Roman Catholic fanatics who oppose Graham should contest the Catholic Herald dated June 3, 1966 because it called Graham as "friends... among the Jesuits." The same idiotic Facebook page also said that the born again Christian idea was only conceived in the 1970s while Graham was called a friend of the Jesuits last 1966. If they tell me to just trust their sources because other sources are supposedly "tainted by Satan" then they better explain why the Catholic Herald praised Graham as a friend of the Jesuits.
Whether those Roman Catholic fanatics like it or not - they are really in the wrong if they think Graham wasn't even in league with the Vatican. No, he wasn't even anti-Vatican either. He was a faithful friend of Rome, the Pope, the Jesuits and continued to endorse false unity between Protestants and Roman Catholics - never mind the whole bloody history of Roman Catholicism with how it destroyed not just Protestant Christians but also other Christian groups prior to the Reformation. No true man of God would ever think that Roman Catholicism and born again Christians can even walk together.
See also:
- Continuing the Reformation Also Means Preaching Against Quack Evangelical Pastors
- Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. as a Hero Continues the Counter-Reformation
- Just Say No to Pulpit Pimps Because God Will Judge Such Evil Preachers
- Martin Luther's Statement Against Ungodly Compromise
- Politically Correct Pastors Are Not Men of God But Men of Satan
- Satan's OTHER Deadly Substitute for the Reformation Aside from Halloween: Martin Luther King Jr.
- Warning: Unsaved Pastors Are Seeking to Destroy the Flock