Pope Francis' Support for Same-Sex Civil Union is a Good Reason to Continue the Reformation
Should it be surprising that Pope Francis is now supporting same-sex civil unions? Pope Francis' statement, "If someone is gay and seeks the Lord with good will, who am I to judge?" is true because Christians are called to love homosexuals to tell them the truth and Jesus' free gift of forgiveness. However, Christians are not told to condone homosexual unions of any kind whether the ceremony was performed in a Baptist church, a Protestant church, a Roman Catholic parish, or even the civil courts. Homosexuality will always be wrong even if Christians are told to advocate for the basic rights of homosexuals to basic needs. However, Christians still have the right not to employ homosexuals like a factory has the right (or duty) not to employ anyone who doesn't meet certain qualifications or is too short or too sickly for the task.
The very character of the Popes can make anyone wonder if they're indeed the successors of Peter. Reading through Peter, we can read this from 2nd Peter 2:5-7 which will be quoted from the Good News Translation:
5 God did not spare the ancient world, but brought the flood on the world of godless people; the only ones he saved were Noah, who preached righteousness, and seven other people. 6 God condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, destroying them with fire, and made them an example of what will happen to the godless. 7 He rescued Lot, a good man, who was distressed by the immoral conduct of lawless people.
This is very ironic also considering that the National Catholic Register even has an article called "Why Same-Sex Marriage Is Impossible for Catholics". This already brings a new huge dilemma since some religious Roman Catholics I've met are homosexuals. This really makes me wonder how a supposedly "all-unified church" has its followers saying they have no disagreements. Now, Pope Francis is already disagreeing with the National Catholic Register when he called for support of civil same-sex unions. This also calls for a dilemma what if two homosexual Roman Catholics (of the same sex) want to marry but the official catechism of Rome doesn't? Would Pope Francis then decide to give the two same-sex couples from Rome his blessing if ever they got married under civil union?
Those who want to say Sodom and Gomorrah were not destroyed also for homosexuality better read everything in context. The two cities were sexually immoral so homosexuality itself is not the sole cause. However, we can read that Ezekiel 16:50 reveals that they committed an abomination. In interpreting the Old Testament - we need to understand the Old Testament. Leviticus 18:22 calls homosexuality an act of abomination. The dietary and ceremonial laws may be gone but Romans 1:24-28 and 1st Corinthians 6:9-10 says that homosexuality is still a sin. Besides, homosexuality is lying to the world that you're the other sex. Many homosexuals identify themselves as the opposite sex. Now, isn't that bearing false witness?
Calling for civil unions to allow it? Well, it's no surprise really when you consider the well-documented abuses done by the Roman Catholic institution. Many of them were left hidden for ages such as the incest, pedophilia, adultery, fornication, and homosexuality that have been committed by the "holy priests" who "save souls". Pope Francis' error here really shows that the doctrine of papal infallibility is really questionable especially now he's in extreme doctrinal error.
See also:
- Both Roman Catholic Priestly Pedophila and Abortion Are Moral Scandals Against the Right to Life!
- Franklin Graham Hypocritically Speaks Against LGBT While He Supports the Vatican
- It's Disgusting How Some Roman Catholics Insist Priests Save Souls Even After One "Holy" Scandal After the Other
- Loving Homosexuals Enough to Tell Them the Truth of their Sin and the Savior
- Pastors Giving in to LGBT Pressure (and Even Joining Them) Are Not True Men of God
- Sorry, the Government Cannot Make Moral What God Has Declared Immoral