Pastors Giving in to LGBT Pressure (and Even Joining Them) Are Not True Men of God

It's really something that I learned that a few weeks ago - the author Joshua Harris had joined the LGBT Pride Parade. He even apologized to homosexuals for supposedly hurting them. Is this surprising? I was even shocked to learn that singer Ray Boltz (the one who sang "I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb") later left his wife to be in a same-sex relationship with a man. Harris himself not only stopped becoming a pastor but also joined the LGBT crowd. It's one thing if a pastor decides to stop pastoring because he has shamed the flock with something serious. It's another thing if a pastor decides to stop pastoring for worldly reasons.

This is really sad to think that some pastors have carved into the pressures of the world. Should you be surprised? Remember Judas Iscariot spent 3.5 years in the ministry of Jesus. He saw Peter become the first pastor of the New Testament church. He saw the miracles. He worked closely with Jesus. However, he never got saved. He probably thought Jesus would liberate them from Rome but he never did. I wonder what reasons did Harris himself become a pastor? Was he more into fame? Did he write his book "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" to be famous rather than to glorify God? If he was then it's no surprise that he no longer considers himself to be a Christian.

Did he lose his salvation? The truth is he wasn't saved to start with as evidenced by this current activity. 1 John 2:19 says that they left the flock eventually because they were not really saved. They were just sit-ins. John 15:1-8 differentiates the Judas Iscariot branches from the true branches. The real branches survive the pruning process and the false branches don't. In the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-20, and Luke 8:4-15) we can read that after they are offended that they would leave. The root seemed rooted on Harris but later - we can see that the root was too shallow. It's a shame that he even became a pastor at one point in his career. Judas Iscariot did become a pastor at one point but he would later leave because of his own personal interests. I guess the same happened to Harris himself.

Truth is Harris has heard the Gospel many times. He will have a lot to answer for on judgment day for being a Judas Iscariot. He has no excuse for doing what he did considering the amount of exposure he had to the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

See also: