Mariolatry Debunked

The word Mariolatry is a combination of the word "Mary" (who is referred to as Maria in Latin) and "idolatry" therefore we get that word. Now the Roman Catholic Church and in extension the Orthodox churches, Coptic, Byzantine but they're basically still Roman Catholic by nature even with a few minor adjustments like having the priests married. A little logic in Egypt the priests of their pagan faith were allowed to get married BUT that didn't make them any less pagan!
So let's get started shall we? The Mariolatry movement can get started with the logic that because Mary was Jesus' mother in the flesh then people must pass through her before they can talk to Jesus at all. It's utter blasphemy as NOWHERE in the Bible does Jesus invite people to His earthly mother for their salvation much less even want us to pray to her. Another method used to attack is through false dichotomy that says, "Hey you can't show me a verse in the Bible you shouldn't pray to Mary." which can also be responded by "Well you can't show me a verse in the Bible that says we should pray to her either."
However in John 2:4-5 we have Jesus calling Mary as "woman" and not "mother". He politely refused her when people came to Mary asking to plead for Jesus. Mary's only response to the people was "Do whatever He tells you." Clearly Mary wants people to understand she could not bring them a step closer to Jesus! It would really insult Mary to hear people teach this about her! Contrary to what Catholics say (and being a former Roman Catholic myself now a born again Christian attending a fundamental Bible Baptist group) that they don't worship Mary, THEY DO!
Here's some evidences based on timeline of the "infallible" Roman Catholic Church:
- 431 A.D. Mary is called the Mother of God
- 600 A.D. prayers offered to Mary declared final by the Council of Trent
- 1854 A.D. the immaculate conception of Mary "finalized" by Pope Pius IX
- 1965 A.D. was when Mary was declared the "mother" of the church
Certainly it's not Mary worship is it? NOPE! So far here are just some titles that the Catholic "Mary" is taking away from God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit that can be found in a Rosary booklet or the catechism with emphasis mine:
Other sources also include the "Litany of the Blessed Virgin" and the "Litany of Loreto" I will not list them all though... (other aspects may soon be debunked thoroughly as well)
- Mother of God
- Conceived without sin (please check on 2 Corinthians 5:21)
- Our intercessor (please check on 1 Timothy 2:5, Hebrews 7:21-25)
- The ark of the covenant
- Gate of Heaven (please check John 10:1)
- Our life, our hope, our salvation
- Queen of Heaven (please check Jeremiah 44)
- Help of Christians
- Glory of Israel (please check 1 Samuel 5:29)
- Morning star (please check Revelation 22:16)
- Our Help (please check Hebrews 13:6)
- The way, the truth and the life (please check John 14:6)
- Author and finisher of our faith (please check Hebrews 12:2)
It will get worse as the worship of Mary is distracting people from the Lord Jesus Christ for their salvation. The term "mother of God" is not Scriptural either. Just think of it- since the Lord Jesus shared the nature of being both God and man therefore Mary is only His mother in the flesh but He was already God (John 1:1) even before the world began. The term "mother of God" would make her the mother of the Trinity knowing that God exists in three different Person s- the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They have gone as far as to mention that Mary was born without sin but that can't be the case. Romans 3:23 says, "For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." And I believe that a separate section to debunk the sinlessness of Mary will soon be necessary for this apologetic ministry.
The Catholic faith defenders would use Matthew 1:25 (and in extent Isaiah 7:14 which in MOST Catholic Bibles replace the word "virgin" with "woman" when a woman is NOT necessarily a virgin) to try and defend the heresy of Mary's eternal virginity. Ignored is that Matthew 1:25 has the word "until" and two, when Mary gave birth as a virgin, Isaiah 7:14 has already come to pass. Also, it would be crazy for Joseph his stepfather not to exercise his right to have children by Mary since it was part of Jewish tradition as implemented by the Old Testament. Another objection has to be when Jesus entrusted Mary to John instead of his half-siblings. The Bible provides a clearer answer in John 7:5 saying, "For neither did his brethren believe in Him." His maternal half-siblings still did not recognize Him to be who He was until the resurrection (which two later wrote two books of the Bible, Jude and James). Galatians 1:19 later has Paul affirm as an apostolic writing of James being the biological half-brother of Jesus Christ. Don't even throw the cousin argument because the word "cousin" even appears in the Bible!
Another undeniable evidence is the creation of graven images in the honor of Mary and in extension the "saints". Regardless how Catholic faith defenders may try to say that Exodus 20:4-5 does not criticize them, it does. We have checked a copy of the Catholic Bible vs. the catechism and even their own Bible does not agree with the catechism especially in the speedy deletion of the 2nd commandment and splitting the 10th. Check it out if you don't believe me. Then they say they don't worship the image but the one being portrayed. Sorry folks but Isaiah 42:8 says that God will NOT give His praise to graven images! But in a hasty attempt, they speak of Exodus 25:18 and 37:7-8 but then those images were NEVER bowed down too much more prayed too. There's a difference between bowing before people as respect as bowing is not necessarily praying but the graven images of Mary is ANOTHER story.
And should prayers be mentioned too? Just check HOW MUCH MORE "Mary" gets the glory in the Catholic prayers. Wednesday masses are devoted to Mary no doubt. The Rosary has 51 hail Marys and just a few "Our Fathers". In another hasty attempt in praying to Mary (while at times denying they do), Catholic teachers and priests hastily point out Luke 1:28 then verse 41-42 (which is also in the 1611 Bible) as "proof" of the Hail Mary. The prayer books keep writing "prayer to Mary" or "prayer to the our lady of (insert title here)" which is undeniable proof that Catholics DO PRAY TO MARY!
If you are a Roman Catholic reading this, we know you will be VERY ANGRY (and there will be more articles coming soon to expose error in doctrine). We wrote this and we plead with you to PLEASE CHECK THE BIBLE and that salvation is ONLY in the Lord Jesus Christ and nowhere else. The plan of salvation is simple. Just click on the tab "The Lord Jesus Christ Saves" to find out how you can know for sure you can have eternal life! Seriously, as said there can be no reconcilable difference between Roman Catholics and Baptists.