Christian Buddhism Exposed

I was completely not surprised at the hypocrisy at how some Jesuit parishes have decided to hold a seminar that Christian Buddhism is a heresy yet they have ignored some facts. That is they might want to take a good look at the secular media and the Vatican-Tibet relations.

That during the reign of the late John Paul II and the retired Benedict XVI, there were various inter-religious dialogues between the Vatican and Tibet. Obviously this is where the Roman Pontiff, the Pope of Catholicism meets the Dalai Llama, the Pope of Buddhism. The Buddhist network Da Ai also commemorated John Paul II as an honorable man of the faith for that and featured his various dialogues with the Dalai Llama. In fact, the Vatican II has already made it clear that it's ecumenism now. Anybody can be saved according to the new Vatican Council if they live a good life by their own merit. That is utterly blasphemy. The Bible warns in Matthew 7:21-23 that there will be many "worldly good persons" who will try to talk their way into Heaven after spending some time in Hell, only to be cast into the Lake of Fire but will only be dismissed on the Great White Throne.

We do now have the heresy of Christian Buddhism. So where are their common grounds? It's not surprising that Roman Catholic literature can go that far especially this is the end times. A Jesuit priest named Aloysius Pieris, SJ, wrote the book, "Love Meets Wisdom: A Christian Experience of Buddhism". The Jesuits are also actively moving openly to do their ecumenism like meetings with various witch doctors and religious leaders for the upcoming One World Church. It's no surprise to me at all. After all, I've started seeing some wealthy Chinese Roman Catholics who are still deep in their tradition with going to Buddhist and Taoist temples. It's not surprising since the Virgin Mary of Catholicism is still the same Queen of Heaven heresy (Jeremiah 44) that is practiced by Buddhists and Taoists in the form of the goddess of mercy that has gone from names like Shing Moo and Kuan Yin or other goddesses- which were all derived from the early Babylonian goddess Semiramis.

One might want to take a look at this pagan goddess known as the "Queen of Heaven" which Jeremiah 7 and 44 had explicitly warned about the pagan traditions of the people. The problem was not baking of cakes but the fact they were baking cakes to the pagan goddess, the Queen of Heaven. I remembered a Roman Catholic Chinese told me that, "Well the Buddhists and Taoists have Kuan Yin, the Roman Catholics have Virgin Mary." You might notice the images of the Our Lady of China (left) and the Kuan Yin (right) who is seldom also represented by other goddesses such as Wang Mu Niang Niang who was also called as Sheng Mu or Holy Mother of China.

Paganism didn't only copy from each other but also copied from the Bible like the virgin birth in Genesis 3:15. Satan knew his fall was coming all so soon when God declared the seed of a woman will one day crush him, so he decided to later create a counterfeit virgin.

The heresy of the Queen of Heaven worship is a perversion of Genesis 3:15 to keep people away from the real promised Seed- the Lord Jesus Christ. Today, Roman Catholics foolishly think Mary who they believe is the Queen of Heaven can mediate for them when she cannot. In John 2:5, again will Roman Catholics PLEASE READ the statement, "Do whatever He tells you." In the Bible, there is NO Queen of Heaven, no Mary is not the Queen of Heaven. She is a sinner saved by grace and whenever I say that, most Roman Catholics then accuse me of hating the humble mother of Jesus.

Buddhism and Roman Catholicism share also the following heresies in common aside from the Queen of Heaven worship:
  • The Rosary which is a prayer of vain repetitions
  • Worship of statues while they claim they are worshiping the one portrayed and not the image
  • Burning of wax candles before statues
  • Praying to canonized saints by their respective high priests (Pope and Dalai Llama)
  • Salvation by works (the biggest denominator)

This proves that Christian Buddhism is nothing more than a contradiction because Buddhism and Christianity are very much irreconcilable. Buddhists do good works for self-preservation, Christians do good works only for the glory of God.