It's Sickening at How People Today Are No Different Than People in Noah's Days

The world laughed at Noah for preaching repentance then Christians can expect the same thing to happen to them today. People today just never learn from history and they keep repeating its folly. There's a saying that history repeats itself and that those who fail to learn from it will relive it. After the Flood, our ancestors came out of the Ark and it didn't take long for God's covenant with man not to last long. After Noah it just took three generations to ruin mankind all over again. After Ham's wickedness, there was Cush and from Cush's sons there was Nimrod. The death of Cain's descendants didn't end wickedness. The real problem was that people are wicked even if they were descendants of Seth. We're all descendants of Seth and Noah but more people follow the path of Nimrod and Cain than that of their righteous ancestors.

The name Nimrod means let us rebel. It's said that he began a new brand of corrupt religion. Genesis 11:1-9 shows that kind of person Nimrod was. He built Babylon against God's command so God had to disperse the people. We have many languages today not because of atheistic evolution but because God scrambled the languages. What was unfortunate was that everyone brought with them a piece of Babylon Religion. What's even worse the story changed from region to region resulting to utter confusion. There would be many gods and goddesses born. In time, Babylon Religion had become a highly disorganized system full of conflicting stories. Just get some literature on pagan mythology and you'll see various conflicting accounts of several gods and goddesses - even in just one country!

The situation is not any different today. Try to take a look at the news. More people think that as long as you're with the majority then you're right. If you don't join the majority then you're just a fool who doesn't want to join the popular crowd. But Jesus warned in Matthew 7:13-14 that many enter the broad way of destruction and only few enter the narrow way to life. To be loved by the world means to be hated by God. To be God's friend is to be an enemy of the world. John 15:18-19 and James 4:4 have warned that there's no way a person can be a friend of the world and God at the same time. Either you're a friend of this sinful world or you're a friend of God.

Most people today just repeat what happened in the Days of Noah. Be a Christian and you're going to be ostracized by society. Noah spent 120 years warning people about the Great Flood that was coming to the world but people laughed. When Methuselah died that was it. The world was soon going to be hurled into judgment. Today, we have people who are no better. They think that the Bible is a book of fairy tales but express so much hatred about it. They even say God was unfair to drown a world of wicked sinners. If there are no absolutes why even condemn God as unjust? He wasn't unjust. He gave the world 120 years to repent in Noah's day. God gave ample time for everyone to repent but you must repent now. Get right with God before it's too late!

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