Beware of Christmas Covetousness

Christmas is really the most commercialized holiday of the year, isn't it? Celebrating Christmas isn't inherently wrong while not celebrating it isn't wrong either. The problem today with the Christmas season may not be the season in itself but the people celebrating it. It's becoming more and more pagan or worldly each year. It's no surprise that the non-existent Santa Claus becomes the center of the world's Christmas than Jesus Christ Himself. Just think about it - a little child would think more of what Santa Claus may give or may even be wishing from said non-existent person for what the others have.

If there's one commandment out of the Ten Commandments that get broken a lot during Christmas - it's most likely the tenth commandment namely "Thou shalt not covet." Covetousness is desiring something that's not yours and wanting to have what others have. You may not be necessarily desiring your neighbor's wife or husband (which isn't necessarily physical adultery but leads to it) but you can start getting envious of your fellow man's good fortune. It reminds me of how covetousness is indeed a lifelong struggle. Even at this point - I'm already coveting something while I don't act on it by the grace of God.

I thought about how people are actually excited for Christmas. What is in the mind of a child during Christmas? It could be the latest video game console or a HD 3D TV. Then we have the Christmas sale. While I have nothing against Christmas or year end sales but the behavior of people during those times is anything but admirable. People end up doing their Christmas shopping to get the latest fad in order not to be "outdated". They never mind that many people are actually not having a merry Christmas on the roads and streets. All they care is about themselves.

I look back and think about how many Christmas presents I've had before that have become obsolete. A good example is that I may have gotten a broiler or an oven but a couple of years later - they break down and they are thrown away. You may think about the gadgets you have given or received and how often they are later thrown out. Somebody may have gotten a digital camera a decade ago only for it to finally end its life. Desiring too much will eventually result in too much junk.

The message of Christmas should never be about presents and parties. Rather, it's all about the gift of salvation because man is not basically good. While people desire to have the latest stuff during Christmas but the Son of God left Heaven to be born into the anonymous town of Bethlehem and to be called a Nazarene. His birth was anything but glamorous as He came into human form to be born on a manger - something used to feed animals and he was born in a stable. John 1:46 even has Nathaniel getting skeptical about if anything can good come from Nazareth. So why even think about feeding your covetousness when Jesus left His throne so He can fulfill His Father's will? 

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