God Can't Be God If He Embraced Ecumenism
Ever heard of the call of today's politically correct (and easily offended) people to co-exist with other religions? It's no surprise to see that the world religions are coming together. It's so stupid that the Roman Catholic institution claims itself to be the true Church founded in 33 A.D. - yet the so-called successors of Peter are now having unequal yokes with other religions. I was also told the nonsense that, "All religions except Satanism worship the same God." I was told whether a person is Christian, Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Taoist, or whatever that they still pray to the same God of the Bible. The idea itself is nonsense because whether they like it or not - paganism is full of contradictory stories. The idea itself is just silly at several levels because it's not just about interpretation but having the correct one at it. If you can't be Biblically correct then you are definitely not praying to the same God that any true Christian prays to. Harsh but it's the sad truth!
I can't imagine God as Someone who's honoring every religion that the world has to offer. If you read the Bible - it doesn't teach people to accept other religions! It's stupid how I was told that the Bible tells us to respect other religions. Respect people of other faiths? Yes, in the sense that Christians are told to respectfully tell people the offensive truth of the Scriptures as nicely as possible without watering down the message. However, it doesn't tell them to respect other religions in the sense of accepting them as truth. Respect doesn't mean accepting falsehood but rather rejecting it. I respect people of other religions enough to pass a Gospel tract telling them that their religion won't save them. Jesus respected people more than enough to gently break out the harsh truth out of love.
Different religions have different warped ideas about God. Let's take how God is regarded in polytheistic faiths and Islam. I've read some translated passages of the Koran and it just can't be the God of the Bible. However, the average Muslim today thinks he or she is praying to the same Jehovah God of the Bible but they just call him Allah. No, Allah isn't God and thankfully he isn't - otherwise, we'd all be going to Hell! Islam like Judaism also denies the deity of Christ. Some so-called "Christian" faiths claim that Jesus isn't the eternal Son of God. Polytheistic religions would have many gods and a king for their gods. How can their highest god (who is usually portrayed to have a wife) be the same God the Father of the Bible? Even some Taoist temples have gone as far as to call the Jade Emperor as "God the Father" when he isn't. Some Buddhists just think Jesus is either just another Buddhist saint or some Hindus believe that Jesus is just another avatar of Vishnu. These are all contradictory to each other. How can you harmonize them as one truth? You can't because it's like mixing oil with water - they will never mix!
But God is the Absolute Truth! God Who is God can't be wrong because He's perfect, He can't tolerate error because He's holy and truth can never lie. Jesus would be the biggest bigot according to political correctness. It's because Jesus spoke the absolute truth in John 14:6 that no man comes unto the Father but by Him. No other way but Jesus because He is the only eternal Son of God. Also, Galatians 2:21 says that if salvation came by the Law then Christ is dead in vain. What use would it be to have Jesus become that sacrificial lamb for mankind for its sins if all religions can save people by their works? It wouldn't. Besides, works salvation is a license to the sin of pride as people can only brag about how good they are (Ephesians 2:8-9). The truth will always be the truth regardless of how many believe it or not. A lie will always be a lie even if everybody believes it!
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